Day 2 in Progress: Finn Kolesnik leads the NABC Robot leaderboard

A total of 2291 players registered to ACBL’s Spring 2024 NABC Robot Individual, which is taking place from March 9-11.

Today is the second day of the event, and here are the preliminary results after Day 1. The official results will be announced once cheating checks have been completed.

Results after Day 1

Finn Kolesnik

Currently, in Flight A, Finn Kolesnik (fkolesnik) a star player from Austin, TX, leads with an impressive score of 72.26%. Close behind in second place is Fangjun Zhou (zh123) from Atlanta, GA, with a score of 72.14%. Following behind is Yong-Dong Wang (ydwang) from Memphis, TN, with a score of 71.26%. Yong-Dong Wang also leads in Flight B and C.

There are two more days remaining until the final result. Stay tuned for the next update tomorrow!

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