Upcoming Online ACBL Regionals

There are quite a few online ACBL regionals coming up on BBO over the coming weeks. Even if you can't attend your district's regional in person, you can often join it online. These regionals are open only to the members of the specific districts. Here's what's coming up:

Regional Schedule

District 9 - Daytona RegionalNovember 1110.15 AM - Session 1
2.15 PM - Session 2
Online Gold Rush Pairs, B/C Mid-Flight Pairs,
and A/X Pairs

Registration Details:

  • Registration opens 24 hours prior to the event.
  • You only need to register once for the first session, and you'll be automatically enrolled for the second session.

Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to register.

We look forward to seeing you at these upcoming regional events! Write down your local district events on your calendar. Don't miss the fun and excitement from the comfort of your own home.

9 comments on “Upcoming Online ACBL Regionals”

  1. I couldn't agree more fully with Anonymous. We are regiional restricted for online play but if I travel to one of these cities I can play. Get with the times, ACBL. For those of us who live in a rural area, these online opportuniteis are wonderful.

    Please reconsider this foolish and outdated rule.

  2. I am puzzled that these regionals are restricted to that area’s region only. We are all able to travel and avail ourselves of face to face regionals anywhere….why can’t we play online at any of them when we aren’t able to travel?????

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