Registration confirmation: Country vs Country Championship You are registered to February's Country vs Country Championship, which takes place February 3-5. Ch...
About the monthly Country vs Country Championship This is a monthly event, taking place at the beginning of each month. You have three days to play 32...
About the Monthly 3-Day Mini Survivor This is a free, 3-day tournament, with robots, "daylong" style, taking place at the beginning of eac...
About the Monthly 3-Day Robot Survivor This is a free, 3-day tournament, with robots, "daylong" style, taking place at the beginning of eac...
Using robots in your tournaments There are several ways you can use BBO's robots to improve your online games. Allow players to regis...
Guidelines for running a secure game online Game and event settings The BBO software offers a series of settings and filters that allow each org...
Express Reward is here: 4 Fast Boards with BB$ Rewards We have just launched the Express Reward games: an exciting twist to the popular and addictive Expre...
What can you play during the 22 Jumpstart Festival (Jan. 1-3) ? From January 1st to January 3rd BBO is hosting another massive bridge festival to celebrate the new ...
Goodbye JEC (Jimmy Cayne) Jimmy Cayne, known on BBO as JEC passed away on December 28, at the age of 87. Avid bridge player an...
Express Reward is here: 6 Fast Boards with BB$ Rewards Play the new Express Reward - an exciting twist to the popular and addictive Express - 4 Fast Boards...
About 3-Day Auld Lang Syne Robot Individual This is a 3-day tournament, "daylong" style, taking place from January 1st until January 3rd, 2022. ...