Clash of the Districts (Feb 1-2): Winners Announced!

Last weekend, February 1-2, ACBL players from all over came together for the second Clash of the Districts, one of the highlights of our Keep Cozy and Play Bridge festival. Well over 2000 of you took part in this weekends clash, across three categories — Open, 0-2500, and 0-750 ACBL Masterpoints®.

Congratulations to the winning districts and top players in each category! Let’s take a look at the results.

Open Clash of the Districts

The Open category brought together the fiercest competition, with 830 players proudly representing their districts. Click here for the ACBL Daylong – Clash of the Districts (Open) results.

Top Districts (Open):

  1. District 15 – 15 players, 56.75%
  2. District 19 – 30 players, 56.29%
  3. District 99 – 33 players, 56.10%

The champions of the Open Clash of the Districts were:

  • 2ClassAct, Richard Finberg from Pittsburgh, PA (District 5) – 70.14%
  • fkolesnik, Finn Kolesnik from Austin, TX (District 16) – 69.85%
  • StanS99, Stan Spink from Indio, CA (District 22) – 68.27%

The top 3 players helping their Districts to victory in the Open Clash

Each of these players earned 10 BB$ for their contribution to their District's score. Congratulations to:

  • District 15:
    1. 78Jayhawk, William Bleish from Lenexa, KS – 68.13%
    2. arkdrj, Russ Jones from Russellville, AR – 67.77%
    3. Beakerboy, Daniel Osman from Overland Park, KS – 59.40%
  • District 19:
    1. cwazywabit, Michael Gamble from Shawnigan Lake, BC – 64.49%
    2. dsm87, Daniel Mytelka from Bellevue, WA – 62.03%
    3. HSVanc, Harry Satanove from Vancouver, BC – 62.01%
  • District 99:
    1. Adrian0n, Adrian Oncica from Bucuresti, Romania – 65.62%
    2. Nostrijs, Adrians Imsa from Jurmala, Latvia – 64.58%
    3. sukip, Krzysztof Pikus from Kiezliny, Poland – 63.95%

Congratulations to the Top 30 winners of the ACBL Open Clash of the Districts

12ClassActRichard Finberg570.142.510 BB$
2fkolesnikFinn Kolesnik1669.852.510 BB$
3StanS99Stan Spink968.272.510 BB$
478JayhawkWilliam Bleish1568.132.510 BB$
5arkdrjRuss Jones1567.772.510 BB$
6Zhenya__SYauheni Siutsau1165.822.510 BB$
7adrian0nAdrian Oncica9965.622.510 BB$
8semerson53Stephen Emerson2565.142.510 BB$
9nerdpower9Erli Zhou2164.971.7510 BB$
10NostrijsAdrians Imsa9964.581.7510 BB$
11mykaell12Mark McCarthy2164.561.7510 BB$
12cwazywabitMichael Gamble1964.491.7510 BB$
13metonroeEileen Tonroe764.451.7510 BB$
14sukipKrzysztof Pikus9963.951.7510 BB$
15ginobilobaGiovanni Salomone9963.921.7510 BB$
16jgarrisJohn Garrison1863.771.7510 BB$
17bigmaxMaxim Siline2563.61.510 BB$
18Andrey SidAndrey Sidelnikov963.46210 BB$
19GargonneRonald Wilson263.19210 BB$
20sammybyrdRon Perkins1662.891.510 BB$
21kolesnikAlexander Kolesnik2362.831.510 BB$
22ashdown4Alex Perlin362.721.510 BB$
23laughlinLaughlin Campbell262.711.510 BB$
24dbirnbaumDavid Birnbaum1062.531.510 BB$
25casadelbiaFabrizio Biasiolo2462.291.510 BB$
26londbellLon Bell1162.281.510 BB$
27lionelcwbD Lionel O'Young2362.261.510 BB$
28skallawagSteven Blatter1762.21210 BB$
29aewelsh1Mike Welsh2362.2210 BB$
30taurus514Len Charney2162.111.0510 BB$

0-2500 Clash of the Districts

The 0-2500 category brought together 754 players in a close competition. Click here for the ACBL 0-2500 Daylong – Clash of the Districts results. Here are the top-performing districts:

Top Districts (0-2500):

  1. District 13 (26 players, 56.00%)
  2. District 25 (43 players, 55.49%)
  3. District 6 (43 players, 55.06%)

The champions in the 0-2500 Clash of the Districts were:

  1. h3k, Haihong Li (District 25) – 69.33%
  2. nhudak, Nicole Hudak (District 24) – 65.3%
  3. PhuleProof, Mikhail Khudiakov (District 11) – 64.92%

The top 3 players from each of the winning districts in the 0-2500 Clash

Each of these players earned 10 BB$ for their contribution to their District's score. Congratulations to:

  • District 13:
    1. bopsw, Kay Whitman from Chicago, IL – 62.52%
    2. rbg, Rumen Georgiev from Des Plaines, IL – 62.44%
    3. wcs1,William Scott from Madison, WI – 61.68%
  • District 25:
    1. h3k, Haihong Li from Weston, MA – 69.33%
    2. bbmaven, Kenneth Wagner from North Attleboro, MA – 64.41%
    3. Sugerdoc, Peter Sugerman from Glastonbury, CT – 63.20%
  • District 6:
    1. Tony1127, Tony Pearlman from Washington, DC – 62.84%
    2. jwilkins, Jay Wilkins from Blacksburg, VA - 60.95%
    3. DD_BBO, David Dong from Rockville, MD – 60.44%

Congratulations to Top 30 winners of the ACBL 0-2500 Clash of the Districts

RankBBO UsernameNameDistrictScore
1h3kHaihong Li2569.33210 BB$
2nhudakNicole Hudak2465.3210 BB$
3PhuleProofMikhail Khudiakov1164.92210 BB$
4ltsui10Lei Tsui2264.76210 BB$
5Danka46Danuta Parzych1664.66210 BB$
6rishabhRishabh Singh2164.6210 BB$
7bbmavenKenneth Wagner2564.41210 BB$
8NazinatorNersi Nazari2164.211.610 BB$
9cody1009Robert Corron1264.181.410 BB$
10bindhuaBindhu Aravapalli764.11.410 BB$
11abalonStephen Davis1964.011.410 BB$
12twfair01Terry Fair463.491.410 BB$
13pkaukPreston Kauk2163.371.610 BB$
14SugerdocPeter Sugerman2563.21.610 BB$
15Atropos_FRyan Clark1862.851.210 BB$
16Tony1127Tony Pearlman662.841.610 BB$
17shersie3Sheryl Hobbs962.811.2810 BB$
18HQ222Weihua Chang2262.731.610 BB$
19SheikYbutiRaymond Franks II1162.56110 BB$
20bopswKay Whitman1362.521.210 BB$
21actuary50Mark Shaw762.481.210 BB$
22rbgRumen Georgiev1362.441.2810 BB$
23Brule9Gaye Macdonald162.421.210 BB$
24AnacapaSteve Welton2262.161.2810 BB$
25RedLMRobert Asher2562.091.210 BB$
26safordSteve Ford1161.710.910 BB$
27wcs1William Scott1361.681.610 BB$
28jtchenJohn Chen2061.631.610 BB$
29RayFinkRay Fink1861.610.8410 BB$
30mark33496Mark Rosenfeld961.460.8410 BB$

0-750 Clash of the Districts

Finally, the 0-750 category welcomed 656 players for a friendly yet competitive clash. Click here for the ACBL 0-750 Daylong – Clash of the Districts results. Here are the top districts:

Top Districts (0-750):

  1. District 99 (24 players, 56.45%)
  2. District 1 (23 players, 56.10%)
  3. District 22 (27 players, 54.80%)

The champions of the 0-750 Clash of the Districts were:

  1. jeschuss, John Schussler from Doylestown, PA (District 4) – 70.23%
  2. Arniegrant, Arnold Grant from Glenview, IL (District 13) – 67.55%
  3. Billsworld, William Weisbecker from Mission Viejo, CA (District 22) – 67.42%

The top 3 players from each of the winning districts in the 0-750 Clash

Each of these players earned 10 BB$ for their contribution to their District's score. Congratulations to:

  • District 99:
    1. sukip, Krzysztof Pikus from Kiezliny, Poland – 64.17%
    2. 7stplus1, Francisco Plana Estruch from Valencia, Spain – 63.62%
    3. kingi1725, Russell Smart from Auckland, New Zealand – 63.45%
  • District 1:
    1. JJM44, Jeff Madore from Timebrlea, NS – 62.31%
    2. Ritz_MJ, Michael Ritcey from Indian Harbour, NS – 61.39%
    3. davelevy, David Levy from Lockeport, NS – 60.86%
  • District 22:
    1. Billsworld, William Weisbecker from Mission Viejo, CA – 67.42%
    2. drlee2, Elliott Meltzer from Highland, CA – 65.14%
    3. Red Laue, Alfred Laue from Yucca Valley, CA – 58.89%

Congratulations to Top 30 winners of the ACBL 0-750 Clash of the Districts

1jeschussJohn Schussler470.23210 BB$
2ArniegrantArnold Grant1367.55210 BB$
3BillsworldWilliam Weisbecker2267.42210 BB$
4alaybeyi66Murat Alaybeyi2167.28210 BB$
5dlh39Daniel Hoffman1066.03210 BB$
6helen9989Edna Bosworth465.42210 BB$
7Noah121Noah Weiss1465.371.410 BB$
8austin7450Austin Olivier1765.241.410 BB$
9xu_sunriseXu Li665.181.410 BB$
10DrLee2Elliott Meltzer2265.141.410 BB$
11BarryB111Barry Bershow1764.291.410 BB$
12LewTemp58Lewis Temples1164.241.410 BB$
13sukipKrzysztof Pikus9964.171.2810 BB$
141eyedjakJack Kelly764.11.210 BB$
15jonny_dJon Davidson463.661.610 BB$
167stplus1Francisco Plana Estruch9963.621.2810 BB$
17kingi1725Russell Smart9963.451.610 BB$
18mgroederMike Roeder1263.41110 BB$
19rishabhRishabh Singh2163.281.2810 BB$
20kcbeardKate Beardsley663.251.210 BB$
21ZZmiyVladimir Kolbun2463.081.2810 BB$
22joe saskZhuo Sun1862.990.710 BB$
23lizopp5Liz Oppenheimer962.961.210 BB$
24Red LaueAlfred Laue2262.681.210 BB$
25spring92Susmita Sangal1662.40.810 BB$
26JJM44Jeff Madore162.310.610 BB$
27BeckyVickMarjorie Vickers761.91.210 BB$
28porgie12Georgia Jacobson961.761.210 BB$
29hainnleeKathy Lee2161.741.2810 BB$
30mariahSMariah Stopper1661.651.610 BB$

Congratulations to everyone who took part - we hope you had fun!

The Keep Cozy and Play Bridge Festival is still running until February 5th, so there's still time to enjoy more games!

One comment on “Clash of the Districts (Feb 1-2): Winners Announced!”

  1. Help I keep having trouble with this app it keeps trying to upload I graded my service still have the same problem. Any suggestions

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