Words from the NABC Robot Winner

The Spring 2024 NABC Robot Individual has concluded, and big congratulations go to Jiang Gu who came home with the title! Let’s hear what he had to say.

Jiang GU

I'm Jiang GU and live in Mountain Lakes New Jersey. I am a trained Statistician and have been playing bridge for many years. I've won 2 national championship titles, have 4 second place finishes in the NABC, one semi-final at the Vanderbilt and a semi-final finish at the Springold. I'm an ACBL Grand life Master and reached 15K Masterpoints® last year. Now I'm enjoy life as a full time bridge player.

I was born and raised in Shanghai, China and learned to play bridge in my high school years. After my high school graduation, I played with the college team for four years. In 1995, I came to US and continued my fascinating bridge journey, which has brought me to being a full-time bridge player today. I love to join all the challenge games.

I really like the NABC Robot - it's a great event. Having finished in 2nd place a few years ago, it's great to finally win the title!

The best tip I've learnt along the way is 'don’t gamble' - I learnt it from 3 time robot champion Alex Perlin. The other thing to remember is to take your time - playing slowly can help you limit your mistakes too.

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