NABC Practice this weekend: November 6 and 7

Get a feel for the Fall NABC Robot Individual this weekend with a free practice tournament. Do well and you could win a free entry to the actual event taking place from November 20-22.


  • Free entry to the Fall NABC Robot Individual for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in NABC Practice tournament #1 – Day 1
  • Free entry to the Fall NABC Robot Individual for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in NABC Practice tournament #1 – Day 2
  • Free entries to the Fall NABC Robot Individual for 1st to 5th place overall in NABC Practice tournament #1
  • If a winner has already registered, their entry fee will be refunded
  • If a player has already won a free entry in a previous practice session, the prize goes to the player/s finishing 6th, 7th, etc.

Conditions of play

  • This practice tournament is free and uses advanced robots. Click here for the robot system notes.
  • ACBL membership is required. Click here to check if BBO has your ACBL number on file.
  • Each session is 12 boards, Matchpoints scoring.
  • Daily sessions last 24 hours. You must complete your daily boards before midnight US Eastern Time.
  • Unplayed boards score zero.
  • You need to play at least 1 board each day to advance to the next day.
  • Not everyone will be dealt the same boards.
  • You need to play on both Saturday and Sunday.

How to play

Login to BBO, click 'ACBL WORLD' and look for the ACBL NABC Practice Tournament.

NABC Robot Individual - early bird registrations from Friday, November 5, 2021

Register before November 15 for a 10 BB$ early bird discount

  • Played the 2021 Summer NABC Robot Individual? Get an additional 6 BB$ discount (34 BB$ entry with early bird / 44 BB$ from November 15)
  • Entry fee is 50 BB$ from November 15

Subscribe to the NABC Robot Individual mailing list

3 comments on “NABC Practice this weekend: November 6 and 7”

  1. Practice tournaments should be open to non-ACBL members so they can see if they want to play in the "main event"

  2. IF you are an ACBL active member, you cannot ALSO be "anonymous" as that NAME is not a valid ACBL name, Thus you will get that "error message" regarding ACBL membership.

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