NABC Practice this weekend: July 26 and 27

Get a feel for the Summer NABC Robot Individual this weekend with a free practice tournament. Do well and you could win a free entry to the actual event taking place from July 10-12.


Conditions of play

  • This practice tournament is free and uses advanced robots. Click here for the robot system notes.
  • ACBL membership is required. Click here to check if BBO has your ACBL number on file.
  • Each session is 12 boards, Matchpoints scoring.
  • Daily sessions last 24 hours. You must complete your daily boards before midnight US Eastern Time.
  • Unplayed boards score zero.
  • You need to play at least 1 board each day to advance to the next day.
  • Not everyone will be dealt the same boards.
  • You need to play on both Saturday and Sunday.

How to play

Login to BBO, click 'ACBL WORLD' and look for the ACBL NABC Practice Tournament.

NABC Robot Individual - early bird registrations from Friday, 25 June

Register before July 5 for a 10 BB$ early bird discount

  • Played the 2021 Spring NABC Robot Individual? Get an additional 6 BB$ discount (34 BB$ entry with early bird / 44 BB$ from July 5)
  • Entry fee is 50 BB$ from July 5
  • Login to BBO, click 'ACBL World', then 'ACBL NABC Robot Individual' to register - watch this video to see how to register

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