Jimmy Cayne, known on BBO as JEC passed away on December 28, at the age of 87. Avid bridge player and legendary among BBOers for his high profile JEC matches, Cayne played on BBO every day and his games were followed by thousands of kibitzers.
JEC has been for years the most followed BBOer, with 42,096 followers on BBO. Next most befriended BBOers are sillafu (Benito Garozzo), with 33,533 followers, and nevaio (Alfredo Versace), with 22,194 followers.
JEC's numerous fans on BBO are invited to commemorate him in a JEC Daylong Tournament, running on December 29 all day, from midnight US Eastern time until midnight the next day. This is a "Just Declare" tournament -- all hands are pre-bid, and you are always declarer. You do not need a partner to join, and you do not need to be familiar with the robot's system to play.
Click Competitive, then All Tournaments to play a few hands in JEC's memory.
UPDATE: 12,258 BBOers joined the JEC memorial tournament on December 29. Full results here.
Rest in peace, Jimmy.
One of the best at bbo and life
JEC created interest in the game by inviting all of us to watch matches with world class players. i really hope that some of his playing partners start to open their matches as well. Sadly, most do not allow viewing. RIP Jimmy.
goodbye .you will be forever in my heart.
goodbye jec.you will be in my heart.from liulang
Played against him in a Men's BAM in Florida mid 70s- he always went hammer an tongs on defense. Quite a man
Now Jimmy is with his favorite partner, Michael Seamon *aka" Miamiwhizkid
Truly a giant. He always struck me as just a slightly older kid from Chicago who got to New York just a little before I did, and then made good, on bridge and on Wall Street.
Talk about a monster understatement. It is obvious now he was truly a giant.
RIP James E. Cayne
Excellent player with a rare knack to place card in opponents hand.
Goodbye JEC. RIP
I played for fun and had a good time. I think I mistakenly enrolled twice because I got called away to the game when I was already in it!
During the Nationals held in Toronto I decided to go to the city to kibitz some of the great players. After getting off the subway below the Royal York hotel, I met Chip Martel on the stairs going up and (though I didn't know him),, asked him where JEC was playing... He .said , come with me, I'll take you there... I ended up kibitzing Jimmy Cayne... acknowledge by him, and shown his hands as they were dealt... I met that day a very kind man, a man with an aura of warmth...
I will certainly miss kibitzing him on BBO!
i PLAYED 1 HAND WITH HIM AND HE MUFFED IT. ..Everybody no matter how good they are does that. JEC had a rare mind.. one that could think beyond the ordinary.. a brilliant player who was well appreciated for his game. .a true gentleman at the table..
I;m sorry I never watched him play.
we are all saddened to hear. My respect to him and condolences to his family and hugs to Patricia
Hundreds, if not thousands, of newcomers to Bridge learned the game watching JEC, his teammates and opponents play here on BBO.
They found friends and partners while kibitzing those matches.
Thanks jec, RIP.
if i knew Jimmy Cayne played here i would follow him. too late
if i knew Jimmy Cayne played here, i would follow him. Too late.
He was a nice guy and was my fraternity brother in college. Very competitive but also very intelligent. Bridge became his passion while he was studying for a mechanical engineering degree, and it changed the direction of his life.
For 18 years, I have watched your play a lot.
You exaggerated once saying, "Even if you are born 3 times, you will never play as well as I do."
RIP Jimmy anyway.
Enjoyed watching your matches on BBO I am a better player for it
he might be missed in bridge but not in the world of BearStearnes
here ya go kids.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Cayne
A Great Man, a Fantastic Player, a real Friend forever in my heart
sad indeed,JEC just means Jimmy Excellent Cayne for me ,and he was so kand too .I'll miss him for ever.
Sad news indeed. He will now be playing with the stars in the sky. MS.
06 RJS 18 Good bye JEC
Sad news. Had been kindly invited by Diana to play a match against him (with Barmar). A fierce bidder, no defensive slip and a gentle presence at the table. RIP JEC.
RIP we will mis him
I loved watching the JEC matches. So sad when MiamiWhizz passed and now Jimmy is gone
Im very sad to hear this. We had many great battles on okbridge. My condolences to the family and the bridgeworld. Rest in peace jimmy.
I also miss Reisig. Gone, but not forgotten.
RIP we will mis him
Very sad, Where are Ace-5, Ted and the others now?
Goodbye JEC, a hero bridge player!
A great player has fallen, my heart feels downtrodden
This is no comparison with his family.
For surely they loved him so, such a grand mind in tow
Had he not known bridge? For him a calamity
Mr. Cayne was one of the greats, I certainly do not understate
When I watched The Man play, there was nothing that could pull me away
This game brings joy, it is the intellectual's toy
Bridge brought out the best in me, Jimmy Cayne was so special I decree
You, sir, will be sorely missed in the world of bridge. To his family I say that he shared joy and wonderment to us all and we were delighted at just seeing him. We love you, Jimmy.
my heart is broken I can't believe you're gone. We've been cooperating for 16 years
you will be forever in my heart
from susina 8
R I P and thanks for all !!
Goodbye JEC, Smooth road to the stars!