The Acol Daylong Tournament is 8-boards long and costs a small entry fee in BB$. You do not need a partner to register. Each table consists of one human player, […]...
Zwycięzcami Super Niedziela Daylong w ten weekend zostali: thelgemo z wynikiem 80,53%, sAnJiT dEy na drugim miejscu z 80,14% i s0nmez na trzecim z 79,53%. 19502 graczy zarejestrowało się do gry w Super [...]...
Hanoi5 to Hanoi Rondón, profesor bridge i dyrektor akademicki Federacji Chilijskiej Bridge. Revisamos las manos de este mes, tres manos del mes anterior y vemos situaciones [...]....
As usual the three worst problems form last month are checked, with a common theme: underbidding. Marc gives us his opinion on choice of games, and we have a look […]...
Having seen the best of the action from the English and French Premier Leagues in recent months, we now tune in for the knockout stage of the equivalent event in […]...
This week we are in the historic ‘Pink City’ of Jaipur, home to more than 3 million people and the capital of the Indian state of Rajasthan. We are here […]...
Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy wzięli udział w Stars and Platinum Robot Individual. Mamy nadzieję, że dobrze się bawiliście! Gratulacje dla Jamesa [...]...
This week, we return to the Antipodes for the final stage of the trials to select Australia’s representatives for the Mixed Teams at the World Championships in Morocco next summer. […]...
We were ‘Down Under’ last week for the final stage of the trials to select Australia’s representatives for the Mixed Teams at the World Championships in Morocco next summer. Six […]...
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” —Aristotle One can become a very fine bridge player through experience alone. This is what makes bridge and other card games so much […]...
Learn and Practice This quiz was written by Oren Lidor to accompany the article 'Negative Double' Have a go at playing when playing sitting third seat, after partner opening at the […]...
This article accompanies the quiz 'The Negative double'. In this article we'll concentrate on negative doubles on the 3rd seat after a 1 level opening followed by overcalls at the […]...