Waterlily 6-Day Marathon (Mai 4-9)

Have fun in this 6 day marathon tournament held as part of BBO’s Lily Land Bridge Fest (Mai 1 – 9). This is a daylong style tournament with robots -- you don't need a partner to join.

Click here for the Lily Land Bridge Fest Schedule

Tournament specifics

This is a 6-day tournament, with robots, “daylong” style. Everyone is welcome to test their skills in Day 1, but you need to play all boards every day to proceed to the next days.

Format de chaque session quotidienne

  • Points de comparaison
  • 12 boards
  • This tournament is not “Best Hand”
  • Les piscines de concession seront utilisées pour renforcer la sécurité
  • Vous devez jouer chaque jour (ou jusqu'à ce que vous soyez éliminé).
  • Restricted to players who have played Day 1 of the Wildflower Survivor
  • Free entry.
  • All results count towards your overall score.

Qui peut jouer ?

Restricted to players who have played Day 1 of the Wildflower Survivor.

How can I play?

Click Competitive ► All Tournaments and look for "Waterlily 6 Day Marathon" (there's a Search box at the top of the list).

When Can I play?

The Waterlily 6 Day Marathon starts on Mardi, Mai 4, and runs with one session per day until Dimanche, Mai 9. You can play your daily session at any moment, from midnight to midnight US Central Time. Make sure to play each day to give yourself a chance of getting through to the next days. If you get knocked out, you can compete in the Barefoot Consolation Survivor, on Mai 8-9. 

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