Hollywood Magic Regional
Lights. Camera. Masterpoints! If you're in need of Red and Gold Masterpoints, look no further. Hollywood Magic, ACBL's latest regionally rated event runs Febrero 18-21. There's something for everyone with side […]...
New ACBL Alert Procedure
The ACBL Board of Directors unanimously approved a comprehensive update to the ACBL Alert Procedure which went into effect Jan 1st, 2021. The full document is available here. Pre-Alerts The first […]...
2020 Fall NAOBC Winners
Open Teams1. LEVINE (Mike Levine, Eddie Wold, Jeff Meckstroth, Eric Rodwell, Geir Helgemo, Tor Helness)2. KOLESNIK (Finn Kolesnik, Jacob Freeman, Bob Hamman, Peter Weichsel, Bart Bramley, Kit Woolsey) 0-5000 Teams 1. TODD (Katherine Todd, Marcel Verh...