Yauheni Siutsau (zhenya__S) wins second Robot Title This article was written and originally published on the ACBL blog. Spring NABC Robot Individual Yau...
Winning March's Stars & Platinum Robot Individual: Kevin Lane's Story Kevin Lane recently won the March's Stars & Platinum Robot Individual with an impressive score o...
Meet John Tumewu, Winner of February’s Country vs Country Championship John William Anthony Tumewu (crossFT), an international tournament director and bridge player from I...
Interview du grand gagnant du BBOers Festival Jim Munday Jim Munday (jmunday sur BBO) a remporté le Stars and Platinum Robot Individuals de janvier avec un ...
BBOers Festival Winner Interview - Jim Munday Jim Munday (jmunday on BBO) won the January's Stars and Platinum Robot Individuals, with an overall ...
BBOers Festival Winner Interview - Serkan Ünal Serkan Ünal (srknunal on BBO) won the Country vs Country Championships, with an impressive 71.90%. ...
Get to know Deborah Smith - Winner of WBF Women's Autumn Festival 2022 Deborah Smith (Fizzcat on BBO) won the WBF Women's Autumn Festival 2022. We caught up with her to fi...
L'exploit de Robert Brady - gagnant du BBOers Festival avec deux podiums Robert Brady (bradybot sur BBO) des États-Unis, a terminé deuxième du Stars et Platinum Robot Ind...
BBOers Festival Winner Interview - Robert Brady Robert Brady (bradybot on BBO) from USA, finished second in the Stars and Platinum Robot Individual,...
BBOer Festival winner's interview - Suleyman Kolata BBOers Festival July, Stars and Platinum Pairs We recently had the pleasure of catching up with Sule...
Meet Tracey Bauer, winner of WBF Women's 2022 Spring Festival Tracey Bauer (MarinTlc on BBO) won the WBF Women's 2022 Spring Festival. Her motto is: “I decided ...
Meet Jessy, BBO marketing assistant Tell us a bit about yourself I’m Jessy and I work as the BBO marketing assistant. I’m 25 years o...