Bridge as a Serious Leisure Activity In the psychology of well-being (positive psychology), we study what makes people happy and satisfie...
Le bridge, un loisir sérieux Dans la psychologie du bien-être (psychologie positive), nous étudions ce qui rend les gens heureu...
Leçons de vie tirées de la table de bridge J’ai joué au bridge pendant toute ma vie d’adulte. Parfois, je me demande qui j’aurais été ...
Life Lessons from the Bridge table I've played bridge my whole adult life. Sometimes I wonder who I would have been had I lived a paral...
Breaking up the right way One of the commentators from my last column asked for advice on how to gracefully exit a longstandin...
How to find a bridge partner A few years ago when I started counseling bridge players, I discovered that many had trouble finding...
Are you ready for a serious relationship? By Tihana Brkljačić A partnership is the single most important thing that makes bridge different f...
Dealing with unforced errors Tihana follows up on her earlier article 'New year bridge goals' Thanks to everyone who shared their...
A Magic Cookie for 2022 By Tihana Brkljacic BBO asked me to be a guest editor of the February issue of the newsletter. They ...