Hand of the day #35
Bobby Wolff answers your questions I play a Landy two-club overcall of one no-trump in my regular partnership. If the next player doubles this bid, showing points, what do advancer’s […]...
Hand of the day #34
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff As West, you see North transfer to diamonds then show short spades. Opening Lead: ♠5 This does not deter you from leading your […]...
Hand of the day #33
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Looking at all four hands on this deal from a training session, should three no-trump succeed on the club 10 lead? For a […]...
Hand of the day #32
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff This hand was dealt in a training session. Opening Lead: ♥5 East’s sixth trump and extra offense should have seen him compete to […]...
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