Hand of the day #284

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

Today's problem is a defensive one, so put yourself in the West seat. South is declarer in six no-trump after opening one no-trump. North showed five spades, then offered a choice of small slams with his jump to five no-trump, rejecting South's suggestion of diamonds as a place to play.

Opening Lead: ♣Q

You, West, lead the club queen, which declarer wins in dummy and plays a spade to his jack. Plan the defense.

You know that partner has no points at all. If you win the spade ace, you can be sure that declarer will be able to test spades with impunity before examining his other chances. Since the spades do split, declarer will surely come to 12 tricks. However, just because YOU know spades split, does not mean declarer can be as confident of this!

If you refuse to win your spade ace on this round and the next (perhaps even throwing in an echo with your small cards just to try to persuade declarer that things are not going his way), South will not know that spades are breaking. He may decide to test diamonds first. When they fail to break, he will go back to spades (hoping that the spades break and that whoever has the ace was originally short in diamonds), but now you will be able to win your ace and cash a diamond trick for down one.

Ducking the spade is not sure to defeat the hand; winning it is sure to let the slam come home.

Bid with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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