Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #42

This conundrum was written by Jeff Bayone and was originally published in the book, A Taste of Bridge - you can find out all about it further down the page.

With this example, try to:

  • Bid the North-South hands.
  • Study West’s opening lead, then plan your play.

Since South is the declarer, West makes the opening lead and chooses the K.

Before dummy comes down, what does everyone already know about West's diamond holding?
They know that he has at least four diamonds, three of which should be in sequence, headed by the K.
North tables the dummy. Say dummy's shape: 4-3-3-3.

About the Book

A whole new approach to the world’s most popular card game, developed and tested with thousands of students at North America’s largest bridge school. With the six easy lessons in this book, you’ll get a taste of bridge, and be able to start playing with your friends. And who knows, maybe you’ll develop a taste for bridge!

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