A Heartfelt Thank You for a Wonderful Year

Dear Player,

As 2024 comes to a close, we want to take a moment to thank you for making BBO more than just a bridge platform. It’s your passion and participation that bring this vibrant, global community to life.

This year, we’ve been inspired by the stories you’ve shared in our Best Bridge Memories series. From rediscovering bridge after decades, to hilarious bidding mishaps, to overcoming challenges as new players, your tales celebrate the power of bridge to connect people and create lasting memories. You can explore these wonderful stories here.

Your feedback has been invaluable in guiding our efforts to improve BBO. In 2024, we rolled out 30 major updates, including the introduction of BBO+, which lets you play social bridge with friends via video and customize robots at your table. Thousands of you have already joined, and we’re excited to see more discovering its features every day.

We’re also proud of the strides made with BBO’s Ben, our cutting-edge AI developed using real BBO deals. In less than a year, Ben has progressed to rival, and even surpass—the advanced GIB Robot. We’re eager to see where Ben will go in 2025!

Behind the scenes, we’ve worked hard to modernize databases, enhance security, and improve platform stability, all with the goal of optimizing your online bridge experience.

As we look ahead to 2025, we’d love to hear from you. What made this year special for you on BBO? A memorable game, a funny bidding moment, or simply the joy of connecting with friends? Share your comments below to inspire others in our community.

Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a wonderful new year,

The BBO Team

97 comments on “A Heartfelt Thank You for a Wonderful Year”

  1. Thanks to you all wonderful team of BBO! I enjoy so much playing in your platforms! My best wishes to you all

  2. BBO gives the chance to play the Best. I would be extremely Lucky to be able to play with BG against KRAFT and EOK in live tourney. Kokish was considered the Best of the Best as a Bridge Coach. That was one December 23rd that I will always remember.
    There are 2 levels of Stars. REAL Stars will always treat you with respect. No matter how bad you play and how many dumb moves that you make. There are lots of Stars that may play a WC Game but have horrible table presence.
    I remember watching a video several years ago and reading the comments about the Italian pair who were caught cheating. Not 1 of the comments picked up on the fact that the other pair from Europe in the video were already aware of the Italian Team's modes operandi as the 1 player immediately knew how to keep the other team from communicating outside of bidding. These guys knew well before everything came out.
    It may seem cheap to play here but if a player spends $10 a day, that ends up $3,650. All these little $.10 raises add up. The big cost is the servers to have over 1M players a day in an environment that is stable with few crashes.

  3. Playing bridge gives a pleasure which is as good as a spiritual experience connecting to god in a different way

    1. thanks bbo I am very happy to play ın your system Merry xmas and happy new year toy and bbo famıly from T Turkey

  4. I am disabled and can only play on line so BBO has been wonderful for me. It would be nice if there were ACBL games (we play 0-1500 games) that gave a chance for more than on line points---i,e, gold, silver, red. I no longer belong to a local club.

  5. I am very disappointed in seeing ads pop when playing. It …ie the ad for the king game came up and never disappeared. After waiting 5 minutes, I left ….at least I was a sub but there is a glitch here.
    Your rates have at least doubled and now the ads….things are deteriorating. If it’s that bad I would rather pay a fee to play yearly.
    It is not clear whether they are used only with free bbo games.
    I would like to see some explanation re this new annoying addition to bbo.

  6. Thank you BBO for hours of fun and relaxation. Especially enjoy your free comps. Happy Christmas to all the staff and thanks to all fellow bridge-players that I’ve had the pleasure of playing with over the years.

  7. Thank you so much for the effort you've put in in maintaining and developing the BBO software. Of greatest importance is your reaction to questions and issues and the swiftness of your help, advice and suggestions whenever I am stumped.

    I look forward to playing more bridge on BBO in 2025 and training myself to set up matches of varying lengths and and getting the results running from set to set in an easily understandable manner.

    Also love the You Tube videos that have helped my understanding so far.

    1. Still don't know what the $1 charge is for when asking a question. Way not make it $10 and refund 9 ?

    1. Thank you for bridge en the tournee for the hole 2024 we enjoy, and we wish you Mary Christmas and happy new Year/

  8. I understand costs continue to rise for everyone, but please consider adding little features that enhance our BBO experience. My pet peeve is there is no double dummy data when reviewing game/hand results.

  9. Thank you thank you thank you all for providing something so unusual and so uplifting.
    As you put it, it's "simply the joy of connecting with friends", but it is far from simple and there are a whole set of other layers of joy that we derive.
    Bless you all, and all the best for 2025.

  10. Thank you for your email. I do appreciate it. BBO is an amazing platform and is very much appreciated around the world.It has given millions of bridge people a window to explore.I'm looking forward to play in your week end free tournaments some time. I wish you all a very Happy and healthy New Year with a lot Bridge tournaments on BBO

  11. Thank you for your email. I do appreciate it. BBO is an amazing platform and is very much appreciated around the world.It has given millions of bridge people a window to explore.I'm looking forward to play in your week end free tournaments some time. I wish you all a very Happy and healthy New Year with a lot Bridge tournaments on BBO

  12. I hope that when I click on play bridge the screen does not go black. What did you do to cause that. That is what I want to know. Also you don’t let me trash an add that is something I don’t want to buy. I just want to play bridge. Please help me.
    Dana Harvey

  13. BBO,catering to millions of bridge lovers across the world is a task indeed."BAHUBALI" thats' how we call great happenings here.

    P.S.Great need for random deals rather than set deals.

  14. Thanks to you all wonderful team of BBO! I enjoy so much playing in your platforms! My best wishes to you all 🙌💖🤗

  15. Thank you bbl for providing me with hours of fun and companionship throughout the year. I hope 2025 will be a good year for us all.

  16. Thank you all for the lovely Xmas message,hope you all have a wonderful Xmas and new year. Have played on BBO since 2006 and it’s my “to get away from” place ,tho must say there are a lot of host that boot you at will, mostly those from a certain region of the world. But saying that I still enjoy my games of bridge. Thank you for a great year of bridge playing.

  17. Dear BBO team!thanks for the games.My partner and I really enjoy and improved a lot.My husband is jealous of bbo.All the best for 2025and many thanks for your eork

  18. A most enjoyable read. Many thanks.
    I play bridge most days, a very rewarding experience, have to smile at some of the clever comments, whilst kibitzing those top player matches.

  19. Thanks for a wonderful 2024 of a variety of Bridge gaming. Hope 2025 is as much fun and interesting players. May everyone be patient and considerate of fellow players.

  20. Beynimi genç tutmak ve yeni arkadasliklar kurmak, ingilizcemi gekistirmek için BBO super bir uygulama. Cok tesekkurler

  21. All is well. Just one comment; The bidding box when you have a live partner needs to be bigger ( like when a robot is your partner).

  22. With BBO you're never alone.
    A great application, perfect technology, and upgrade my skills in bridge
    Thanks so much

  23. Instead of the nagging ads how about just charging an annual $20 membership fee. No one wants the ads which end up knocking you off.

  24. Please fix one annoying glitch. When I try to claim, having all the remaining high cards, the program instead wants me to concede.

  25. My lasting memory is of the night I was the first to bid and was looking at a hand comprising 10 hearts to the Ace, King and Queen, the Ace of Diamonds and the Ace and Queen of Spades, the best hand I had ever been dealt. Unfortunately my three playing companions had left the game and despite sitting there for an hour I never did get a full table and so, very reluctantly, left. I am still waiting for that hand to appear again!!!!!!

  26. It would be more fun, if the language, the Way people write in chat, could be more positive without any rudeness. Make space for all players ….

  27. Thank you for your free Bridgebase.com. I has helped me keep in touch with the game now that I am too old to travel to the clubs.

    I appreciate that.

    Patrica Krenik

  28. As bbo, you offer us bridge lovers excellent options. We both have a great time and improve our bridge game. Thank you bbo team, happy new year, many more bridge years.

  29. I really hope for better robots next year, and I'm not the only one. A simpler bidding system for the basic robots would help.

    1. I don't know about simplier, but the robot certainly bids oddly. It will bid no-trump when it has three-card support for a major.

  30. It would be nice to have an option to replay a hand to see if we cold make the contract if we had played it differently!

  31. Dear friends, best wishes to all members of the team,your efforts to keep this site in good shape are highly appreciated!Have a vonderfull year!

  32. Hi. Peg Thanks for your dedication and putting the games together. I know it was not easy! HOPE YOU FIND BOCA GRANDE IN BETTER SHAPE AND HAVE A HEALTHY, FUN TIME IN THE SUN. MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY 2025 XO, TISHTISH

  33. When I start playing bridge on any given day I am always playing with 0-8 points for the first 10 or 12 hands. I am normally the only one that has to pass every time it is my turn to bid. Could you please give those hands more points so I can participate in the bidding?

  34. Please have another discounted bbo buck period, as you did a couple of years ago. Something like “spend 75$, get 100 bbo bucks”
    Thank you

  35. Please update the "Just Play Bridge" selection under solitaire to make it better, er, halfway functional. Currently, overbids close-out bids for no reason, leads trump at terrible times, bids with much less count than need or even that your own computer states, counts kings as aces, doubles way too often and too late during the bidding as a takeout.

  36. Thank you for your greetings which are warmly reciprocated. If I may make a couple of suggestions...

    When Partner opens in a suit with King and wins this is never followed with another in that suit where I hold the Ace, normally an easy trick.

    Partner often bids 3 Hearts/Spades to my 2 Clubs/Diamonds with no evidence of what I hold in either, if any. This often loses the game. All good wishes.

  37. You guys are wonderful. But you can be better by a lot. You might get your shoulder thrown out of joint by patting yourselves on the back.

    Having a table captain at each is an area worth looking at. That person can throw you off a table just because he/she doesn't like your style of play or how you bid. There are 3 other people at the table. If 2 of 3 vote you out. then there is probable reason for dismissal. Not the bias of one person whom your system has designated.

    The other: the entire country should be not allowed to sign on. They are mostly nasty folks, control-freaks who dominate every hand they can (and some they shouldn't).

    I am a night owl and play many times late in the early mornings. I encounter many Turks. Only once did someone from there advertise himself as a 'NOVICE'. Lying must be a national endeavor.

      1. I beg to differ: more than once have I played with random players who were from Turkey, and they all seemed extremely pleasant and very courteous.

  38. Thanks for a well maintained website with clearly a steady function 24/7/365.
    As a newcomer I enjoyed your hospitality in keeping the scores in an ongoing manner.
    Have a great 2025 with support from Ben!

  39. we are a famly as BBO players.
    İ wish thats all happy christmas ans a new year,with my best wishes:)

  40. Hi - Thanks for the opportunity to comment on my hope, which is a basic robot that plays Standard American. I am a relatively new player and haven't learned 2/1 yet so some of the conventions (not all) used by the bots are confusing. Thanks for considering my Christmas list!

  41. I am unique and get the TD at my table more often than most.
    'Hesitation! TD'wasthe common complaint.
    "No way He
    must have been illegally tipped off by partner."
    I recall being disqualified twice.
    The TD agreed.
    Yet I promise I have never done anything illegal ever..
    My problem is I completely missed out the years of the rise and rise of Numpty.
    Hcp and suit length bidding. it was first explained to me when I restarted in England in 2011 after a break from 1988.

    Everything I do must be arithmetically as perfect as I am able to calculate.

    This results in the erratic length of time I take for a bid or card play.
    I need all 52 cards placed in my head all the time.

    How do I do it?
    Ive always done it.
    I started bridge under the table aged 3 like many of your old timers.

    "Got my six, now what else?"
    "Check your doubleton, partner"
    "Best I turn it around"
    "Got K J so gave game a miss"
    "All quacks, P. You bid too high"

    This was a game of bridge in 1949.
    We listen under the table until invited up to play a servants roll.

    Imagine my shock in 2011.
    "Does this HCP and Suit length thing really work?" I asked.
    "Brilliant.Dead easy"
    It certainly seemed easy enough.
    The number of players doing it was impressive.

    It does all your arithmetic stuff for you , Paddy automatically. I didva A quick check and 68% accurate HCP and 68% accurate suit length rules = 49% top class, 42% not too bad,
    9% total rubbish.

    I could see the attraction.
    Most beginners would settle for that.

    Sorry not for me. One Grand Master commented.
    Paddy is never wrong so Id better bid one more.

    Still I battle on

    I still search the alleways and fields for that pure bridge rough diamond to be my partner.

    The problem is even when I found one she was told.

    "play like Paddy and you will have no friends and nobody else will want to partner you."
    I lost rare talent to the numptys.

    Ill keep my sifting pan in the shallows in 2025.

    Down and outs in shop doorways my next target area to find my hiďden diamond

    Paddy, Patcall3

  42. I think playing bridge with Bots on BBO has improved my game and helped me become a better partner and player. It took me a year to work out many of the kinks of a successful bot partnership.
    The first thing I I had to accept was the fact that I had to conform my game to the bot because the bot did not have the ability to make choices. There was no such thing as either or bids with a bot. Everything was black and white. They had to be either weak or strong. It took
    most of a year to recognize
    a lot of of the bots limitations to have a successful partnership and I was the one that had to make the changes. I had to learn how to be a good partner for the bot. The ball was in my court. I get a kick out of playing with bots and I do understand why it isn’t for everyone. It takes a lot of work and practice that some folks just don’t have the time to give. I get it!

  43. thank you very much for this invaluable site which sustains and promotes our wonderful game which in my humble opinion is second to none.

  44. Très belle application BBO
    Grande ambiance dans le jeu. comprehension et bonne communication avec les partenaires
    Merci bbo

  45. Thank you BBO team for creating such an amazing opportunity for bridge lovers all over the world .I wish you all a wonderful happy New Year !😍

  46. Felicitaciones por una plataforma de gran calidad que me ha permitido disfrutar con queridos y viejos amigos.

    Gonzalo Prieto

  47. I would like acbl and bbo to cease kicking bbo players out of clubs for perceived online cheating. If you must, kick them off online but let clubs regulate
    Perceived cheating. a

  48. Un grand merci à toute l'équipe de BBO pour une nouvelle année de bridge passionnante .
    Grace à vous nous ne sommes plus jamais seuls, et votre
    approche du bridge nous aide à rester en contact avec le monde universel du bridge.
    Longue vie à BBO et meilleurs veux à vous tous .

  49. My husband passed away on November 24th, 2023. He played bff r idge every day and enjoyed this site very much. Thank you for giving him do much enjoyment.

  50. “Wishing you a year filled with health, happiness, and success. May each new day bring beautiful beginnings into your life. May 2025 be a year of peace and joy shared with your loved ones. Here's to all your dreams coming true in the new year. Happy New Year!"

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