Test Your Bridge Skills #53

This quiz was written by Oren Lidor.

Hand 1

What will you bid as South?

Hand 2

What will you bid as South?

Hand 3

Against 2, your partner led the ♠A. You encouraged with the ♠9, and your partner continued with the ♠3 to your ♠K. You then played the ♠2, which your partner ruffed, and they played the ♣10 to your ♣K. How will you continue from here?

Hand 4

You're playing 6. West led the ♠10, which you won with the ♠A (you tried the ♠Q but East covered it with the ♠K). What will you do next?

About the Author

Oren Lidor is considered one of the best bridge teachers in Israel, is the author of 5 bridge books, and teaches bridge to people from all over the world on BBO.

2 comments on “Test Your Bridge Skills #53”

  1. on board 3, why is going for trump promotion better than caching clubs and exiting with third club, waiting for setting diamond trick? Declarer doesn't have four clubs as he bid hearts, but I don't see why it is more likely for him to be 3-5-3-2 than 3-4-3-3
    I agree that trump promotion is a good idea if we are sure that declarer doesn't have any more losers, but I don't see how we can be sure here. Any suggestions?

  2. "and immediately cash their ♠Q to set you."

    Typo: I think you will find that is a ♠J.

    Also, any comment about Hand 3 declarer dumping the JACK of clubs under your King? It would take a brave East to try "cashing" AC before giving the promo after that! If East instead plays another spade to give the trump promotion, declarer triumphantly discards the C3 and makes the contract. A diamond from East is obviously fatal. A passive trump exit lets declarer play all the trumps down to dummy having QC and the three diamonds, East having to keep all three diamonds and KC, and now a club throws him in to make the contract.

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