July 2024: BBO Royals & Masters Tournament Winners

We invited our BBO Royals (players who've achieved the ranks ) and BBO Masters (players holding the ranks   etc.) to play in a special tournament on July 28.

Congratulations to June's Royals & Masters winners! 

1. yannnos 78.51 - Greece
2. stiffqueen 73.29 - Australia
3. gboyr 73.28 - Greece

1805 players registered to play in July. See the final results here.

Well done to all the wonderful Royals and Masters who took part. See you next month for more Royal treatment!

4 comments on “July 2024: BBO Royals & Masters Tournament Winners”

  1. You should remind people. A week before the event doesn't count. I've forgoten by the time it rolls around.

    1. You're an adult - surely you have a diary or calendar that you check to keep track of your "schedule"?

      1. Yes, but I have to remember to do that every month and I'm old. My point was, why don't they put it under Messages--> News like every other event, so you can just refer to it when you need to. They put the results there, so it doesn't seem that hard to do.

    2. Hi, the Royals & Masters tournament is always on the 28th of each month, so please mark your calendar! 😉

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