WBF Women's Online Spring Festival 2024

Calling all the women bridge players from all around the world!

You're invited to the WBF Women's Online Spring Festival 2024 that runs between April 8-14 on BBO. The winner — and a partner of their choice — will be awarded free entry to the Women's National Pairs Championship in Buenos Aires! That's not all though as there are lots more exciting prizes to be won. Scroll down to see what's in store.

It's the 28th Edition and it's getting even better!

This will be the 28th Edition of the WBF Women's Online Festival. The first Women's Online Festival took place on BBO in 2008, as a joint venture between BBO, BBO Italia and the WBF Women's Committee. Years have passed, people have changed (we miss you, Mrs Torlontano!) but our festival is still here, stronger than ever.

As of this year, there will be a new and improved format with an expanded schedule, increasing from the usual 7 games per day to a whopping 12 games per day. We hope this allows women from all over the world to join and participate in the fun, regardless of their time zone. You'll find new and fun formats for those of you who are busy — juggling family, career, and hobbies can be challenging! This includes Individuals, robot games, and a brand-new "daylong" format, which you can play at any time since it's available 24 hours a day.

Schedule | Prizes | How to join


There will be 12 games per day, from Monday, April 8 through until Sunday, April 14. You can play as many games as you like. Your top 10 results for the duration of the event will be taken into account for the final rankings, in order to determine the winners.


  • Free entry to the Women's National Pairs Championship in Buenos Aires for the winner and a partner of their choice. The winner can invite anyone, as long as they are a member of the same National Bridge Organisation (NBO).
  • Signed certificates from the WBF for the top 3 players in each festival category (Overall, Pairs, Individual, Robot).
  • WBF Online Master Points for the Festival's top 20 players.
  • Lots of BB$ and BBO Points awarded for all games.

How to join

  • Click Competitive and then All Tournaments on BBO and search for tournaments hosted by WOMEN_FEST with the title *** WBF WOMEN'S FESTIVAL ***, then register.
  • When registration opens, with 24 hours before the start of the game you can use this link for quick access to the list of Women_Fest games.
  • All tournaments (except the Free Pairs) cost 1 BB$ to enter and offer BB$ prizes and BBO points to top finishers. 
  • All festival games (except the robot ones) have Video Chat.
  • Pre-registration is not required. The Women's Online Festival games will be visible and open for registration 24 hours before the Festival begins.
  • Only women are eligible for this event. If you have not played our Women's Online Festival on BBO before, please fill in this form to apply. This will ensure you will be able to register and play any of the daily games during the Festival.

Let's celebrate the amazing talent and passion of women in bridge at the WBF Women's Online Spring 2024 Festival. With fantastic prizes and players from all over the world, this is an event you won't want to miss. Come on everyone, let's make it a festival to remember!

37 comments on “WBF Women's Online Spring Festival 2024”

  1. Every time I go to play a WBF game that is on your schedule, it is no longer on the schedule. What's happening?! Is there a limit on the number of players that can play in a game? I don't see that in your article. I keep missing games!

    1. Hello! You can use capital or lower case letters when you are searching. BBO is not case sensitive 🙂

  2. Wow! We are all having same problems, after having filled
    out form. Saying private tournament.
    There must be some kind of selection
    process, which we should have been told upfront. Instead of, continually
    wasting our filling out bogus forms.

  3. I cannot get in. I filled out the form as indicated. I just changed my email, but you sent to the old email. Nothing seems to work. Why do we need to fill out a form. If we can login to BBO what is the problem🤷‍♀️😳😡

    1. Hi Jenny, we have this special rule so that only allows women to join the games. We update our list every day. If you just filled out the form, please wait until tomorrow for it to be updated. Thanks for your patience!

    1. Hi, we're checking and updating the list daily, please try again in the next day hopefully you can be included! 🙂

  4. jenny same problem as others filled in everything tried to register only to be excluded and told private invite only. Do you have to be above a certain BBO rating to play (no mention of this at all)

    1. Hi, when did you fill the form? if you filled it today, please check again tomorrow as we're updating the list daily 🙂

  5. I experience the same issue, despite haveng registered several times, I get the comment " not eligible- private tournament...

  6. Even though I submitted the form twice, I am still getting the message that I am not eligible to enter...?

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