Hand of the day #324
You can now play the hand of the day on BBO+ and compare how you get on with the...
Dear BBOers, each suggested North hand has either 12 or 14 cards. Among the three suggestions, you have to choose the right card to add or to take away. Correct answers to level 1 questions are worth 4 points, those at level 2 give 6 points.
Have a go at these problems. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the exercise. Good luck!
This article was written by Jérôme & Léo Rombaut and was originally published in Bridgerama+.
Some of these answers are subjective and depend on partnership agreements
isn't problem 3 a standard 3 card limit raise? That's the way we play that sequence. Am I missing something?
I have always played responders splinter to be an opening hand??