Inside the Sociology of Bridge with Professor Sam Punch
In this episode, we’re joined by Professor Sam Punch, a Scottish international...
Hanoi5 is Hanoi Rondón, professor of bridge and Academic Director of the Chilean Bridge Federation. He brings us his weekly rally for 100% with the robots in the Weekly Free Instant Tournament.
Two redoubled contracts, fooling the robots for the lead is a very common theme. One hand can be made by pushing a slam contract but we played for all the marbles and got to 9710 Total points.
CVIII: 100%. I'll send you hands in case you want to look at my solution.
Hand #8 you can make on overtrick (win the lead with the AC, play and win the trump with the AH and play another trump) and score +110 🙂
P.S. I am still wondering what are we playing for in this (anti-bridge) puzzle:
1. 1st to solve
2. Best time
3. Total points
4. # of attempts or
5. # of nicknames per player