Top 20 ACBL Flighted Pairs

Well done to everyone who made it onto the high score leaderboard this year for ACBL Flighted Pairs! Click here to see top players of the year for other BBO games.

DateUsernamesNames in profilesHigh ScoreTables
2023-03-05arnemohr46+ashplagueArne+Anders Hagen84.2988
2023-04-14kaptanzek+ckahramanIZMIR BILIMSEL BRIC 350733+Cahit kahraman83.3777
2023-08-04tendenz+superdeckAldo Gerli+John82.7483
2023-07-11beburs+loraniaBetty +Lian Yi82.6979
2023-11-24RossDave+colt22David Ross+Jim Kioski. GLM82.4469
2023-02-10Ever_Next+david crow81.8576
2023-09-07bbaqai+nffellmanBadar Baqai+Nancy81.8385
2023-11-30samwilks+edyunckTom Reis+Ed Yunck81.3287
2023-06-29bobwilkin+kjpodBob Wilkin+Kevin81.1690
2023-10-12danjohan+perakehansDan+Per Hansson 4504580.9676
2023-09-20niceplay37+LucyMVP1Donnie Isaac+Lucy McCoy80.2276
2023-02-10rose22+jrl1010Dan Roseberry+jay levy79.8783
2023-12-04usrxkb11+nelbenKathy (Seattle area)+Val79.8188
2023-04-22joan delia+HaigJoan Cremin+Haig Tchamitch79.7573
2023-02-07novic+harry6242/1 !!! AM YISROEL CHAI+Harry Falk79.66100
2023-10-02pizza man+sam69Amr Afifi+sam79.6295
2023-10-21csharf2040+howieccharles sharf+Howard Cohen79.5870
2023-06-19ZnHWu+JedruszekWu+Andrzej L Bednarczyk79.5489

ACBL Flighted Pairs are available at 5PM and 7PM everyday. You must have an ACBL number on file with BBO to register. If you need to update your ACBL number, you can do so by clicking here.

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