Find the lead 3/3

By Baptiste Combescure - originally published in Bridgerama+

Dear BBOers, have a go at these opening lead problems. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve completed the exercise. Good luck!

Find the Lead 3/3

Find the Lead 3/3

What do you lead as West?

Question 1

Answer: a) K

You are looking at 15HCP in your hand, so your partner has only a very limited number of points. With enough entries in your hand and no perfect sequence to lead from, best is to start your Hearts with an honor, hoping to fell the Queen or Jack singleton or doubleton.

Question 2

Answer: b) ♣7

The Spade lead is tempting. But partner doubled North’s Stayman to tell you he wants a Club lead. Follow his guidance and put the club 7 on the table, standard count.

Question 3

Answer: b) ♠5

After this type of auction where you have no information, you should go for the most neutral lead possible. Therefore, lead the 5 of Spades, upside-down count in the trump suit.

Question 4

Answer: c) 7

2NT appears to show an unbalanced hand with 15-17HCP as North would have opened 1NT with a balanced hand. Since your partner did not overcall 1♠ despite the favorable vulnerability, it seems that leading from your Diamond length into dummy’s shortness is your best chance to beat the contract.

Question 5

Answer: b) 10

Your partner’s Double indicates a good suit. But where? Certainly not Clubs! Probably in the suit where you’re shortest. Put the Heart 10 on the table.

Question 6

Answer: a) 4

North made a slam try in Hearts, so he has a very good hand. South, on the other hand, has a one-suiter in Hearts and at least two Diamonds. Try to trap the declarer by underleading the Ace of Diamonds!

This article was written by Baptiste Combescure and was originally published in Bridgerama+.

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5 comments on “Find the lead 3/3”

  1. Weird quiz. On question #4 if offers a lead of a card not in my hand.
    On question #6, was there a system note that failed to appear? Why would I know South has at least two diamonds?

  2. Two of my answers that I had answered correctly showed up incorrect when reviewing them. A glitch in the system? I missed one. Very pleased with my answers.

  3. I really need to work on my leads, so this article was very insightful (and hopefully will help me do better!)

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