Hand of the day #281
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff In action here against France in the McConnell...
By Baptiste Combescure - originally published in Bridgerama+
Dear BBOers, have a go at these opening lead problems. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve completed the exercise. Good luck!
This article was written by Baptiste Combescure and was originally published in Bridgerama+.
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Weird quiz. On question #4 if offers a lead of a card not in my hand.
On question #6, was there a system note that failed to appear? Why would I know South has at least two diamonds?
Two of my answers that I had answered correctly showed up incorrect when reviewing them. A glitch in the system? I missed one. Very pleased with my answers.
Very helpful with appropriate logic for leading a particular card
I obviously suck at opening leads. This was a helpful quiz.
I really need to work on my leads, so this article was very insightful (and hopefully will help me do better!)