Play the all new Basic SAYC Daylong

Here's some great news for all of you who love to play Standard American (and we know you are many), a basic SAYC daylong has just been launched. This is an 8-board game with robots that don't use the usual GIB 2/1 system, but instead play a simple and friendly version of Standard American.

So, if you've been putting off playing against the robots because you're not comfortable with the 2/1 system, then this is for you.

There's a new game to play every 24 hours, you play at your own pace and don’t need a partner as you're playing with and against advanced robots. Everything is alerted and explained. You can click each bid to see what it means before making a move and mouse over your own bids in the bidding box to double check what they mean to your robot partner.

You get 24 hours to complete your boards and can take a break anytime and come back later in the day to resume your game. Just make sure you’ve finished your boards by 1AM US Eastern.

Go to Competitive > All Tournaments > Basic SAYC Daylong Tournament to play.

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