Winners of Bridge Olympic eSports Week

The Bridge Olympic eSports Week has come to a close, and we're delighted to announce the victorious champions of this thrilling event.

Michał Wróbel (Michal1987) from Poland achieved a remarkable total score of 74.21% and earned the title of Bridge Olympic eSports Week International Champion for leading the international leaderboard. Andrea Boldrini (mattopo) from Italy secured second place with a total score of 71.08%, and Kelan O’Connor (kelan) from Ireland displayed a good result, securing third place with a total score of 70.69%. Both Andrea and Kelan received the title of Bridge Olympic eSports Week National Champion for leading their country's leaderboard.

Congratulations also go to all the prize winners listed below:

International Champions
RankPlayersCountryTotal ScorePrize
1Michal1987Poland74.21200 BB$
2mattopoItaly71.08120 BB$
3kelanIreland70.6980 BB$
4calyesilTürkiye70.2110 BB$
5stiffqueenAustralia70.0210 BB$
6yilmazgokTürkiye69.5710 BB$
7ronanvFinland69.5610 BB$
8hevler33Türkiye69.5510 BB$
9oleg_bUnited States69.3410 BB$
10mzaitounRest of World69.1710 BB$
11JRMayneUnited States68.945 BB$
12leenokyinHong Kong68.95 BB$
13zzelonChile68.785 BB$
14onur_01Türkiye68.515 BB$
15nagasak1Indonesia68.485 BB$
16uslaRomania68.385 BB$
17Leo LaSotaUnited States68.35 BB$
17tefski1Norway68.35 BB$
19sukipPoland67.965 BB$
20tendenzItaly67.865 BB$
21kemenyHungary67.795 BB$
22gabrialsewIndonesia67.745 BB$
23asterix14Rest of World67.685 BB$
24passellUnited States67.675 BB$
25bibiibBulgaria67.635 BB$
26johnmacgCanada67.65 BB$
27NostrijsRest of World67.335 BB$
28XRebornedSingapore67.225 BB$
29daun212Indonesia67.195 BB$
30GorotheshaBulgaria,Norway67.155 BB$
31Must HurryIndonesia67.155 BB$
32adialGreece66.785 BB$
33bellasoldoItaly66.665 BB$
34apisjudUnited Kingdom66.475 BB$
35ynhUnited States66.465 BB$
36david_zhaoUnited States66.345 BB$
377sinsBelgium66.335 BB$
38IgorGPoland66.325 BB$
39arufTürkiye66.275 BB$
40Gelindos6Italy66.265 BB$
41rhineweilGermany66.255 BB$
42doublemmUnited States66.255 BB$
43pooch4Canada66.165 BB$
44xavierfRest of World66.095 BB$
45soccertooUnited States66.095 BB$
46crivalsItaly65.995 BB$
47crystal00Hong Kong65.985 BB$
48zhenya__SUnited States65.945 BB$
49matthewbNew Zealand65.925 BB$
50VK 998Rest of World65.915 BB$
51mnordgrenFinland65.863 BB$
51RBGUnited States65.863 BB$
53f2gTürkiye65.863 BB$
54sonoFrance65.813 BB$
55ha53Germany65.83 BB$
56gyurciburcHungary65.693 BB$
57essam1alyRest of World65.493 BB$
58e1sUnited States65.483 BB$
59schmamUnited States65.473 BB$
60gmGermany65.463 BB$
61bb1234Norway65.413 BB$
62crusizio92Rest of World65.43 BB$
63cartagena1Colombia65.43 BB$
64gillCanada65.353 BB$
65bellkatoThailand65.263 BB$
66thymepunsUnited Kingdom65.223 BB$
6744519Norway65.193 BB$
68razorsharpUnited States65.183 BB$
69iceoliSouth Africa65.163 BB$
70toljaCroatia65.153 BB$
71upstateUnited States65.063 BB$
72dapin341Türkiye65.013 BB$
72AKQTxxxUnited States65.013 BB$
74kenan6406Türkiye653 BB$
75gretskyCanada64.993 BB$
76anaarepereRomania64.953 BB$
77jimkrekUnited States64.943 BB$
78pertamaxIndonesia64.933 BB$
79dabelowUnited States64.883 BB$
80KeerthisenRest of World64.783 BB$
81AdvPlusCanada64.763 BB$
82bradybotUnited States64.673 BB$
83bendeSweden64.673 BB$
84P_BridgeThailand64.63 BB$
85petrosaGreece64.533 BB$
85harley42United States64.533 BB$
87cub3rIndonesia64.513 BB$
88cngzTürkiye64.53 BB$
89avgeraPortugal64.53 BB$
90MolvaMTürkiye64.493 BB$
91bvdahlRest of World64.463 BB$
92grzeslawAustralia,Germany64.393 BB$
93adachRest of World64.383 BB$
94JoshTomlinAustralia64.343 BB$
95cjc2005United Kingdom64.333 BB$
95mrlyonkingUnited States64.333 BB$
97bert_poliiIndonesia64.313 BB$
98sarbh_gyanUnited States64.253 BB$
99J LiGermany64.183 BB$
100gurayserimTürkiye64.183 BB$
Find out the full result here
National Champions
RankPlayersCountryTotal ScorePrize
1oleg_bUnited States69.3440 BB$
2JRMayneUnited States68.9430 BB$
3Leo LaSotaUnited States68.320 BB$
1johnmacgCanada67.640 BB$
2pooch4Canada66.1630 BB$
3gillCanada65.3520 BB$
1apisjudUnited Kingdom66.4740 BB$
2thymepunsUnited Kingdom65.2230 BB$
3cjc2005United Kingdom64.3320 BB$
1calyesilTürkiye70.2140 BB$
2yilmazgokTürkiye69.5730 BB$
3hevler33Türkiye69.5520 BB$
1mzaitounRest of World69.1740 BB$
2zzelonRest of World68.7830 BB$
3asterix14Rest of World67.6820 BB$
1Michal1987Poland74.2140 BB$
2sukipPoland67.9630 BB$
3IgorGPoland66.3220 BB$
1tefski1Norway68.340 BB$
2bb1234Norway65.4130 BB$
344519Norway65.1920 BB$
1rhineweilGermany66.2540 BB$
2ha53Germany65.830 BB$
3gmGermany65.4620 BB$
1NKGuptIndia63.0340 BB$
2RC11India62.2530 BB$
3bandyo_skIndia61.4820 BB$
1mattopoItaly71.0840 BB$
2tendenzItaly67.8630 BB$
3bellasoldoItaly66.6620 BB$
1Sc0tsteveIsrael64.1440 BB$
2KammererIsrael63.8230 BB$
3shaharzIsrael63.7820 BB$
1uslaRomania68.3840 BB$
2anaarepereRomania64.9530 BB$
3mozistvRomania64.120 BB$
1kelanIreland70.6940 BB$
2minorprobIreland63.9330 BB$
3gvasiliu51Ireland62.2820 BB$
1nagasak1Indonesia68.4840 BB$
2gabrialsewIndonesia67.7430 BB$
3daun212Indonesia67.1920 BB$
1adialGreece66.7840 BB$
2petrosaGreece64.5330 BB$
3nadsaGreece64.0620 BB$
1stiffqueenAustralia70.0240 BB$
2JoshTomlinAustralia64.3430 BB$
3grzeslawAustralia63.0120 BB$
1bendeSweden64.6740 BB$
2Mr SpaderSweden62.5930 BB$
3bjurnSweden60.6420 BB$
1sonoFrance65.8140 BB$
2XX ManFrance62.330 BB$
3chmtcFrance61.2820 BB$
1bibiibBulgaria67.6340 BB$
2GorotheshaBulgaria65.8230 BB$
3star6ijaBulgaria62.5320 BB$
1Quito17Denmark63.8440 BB$
2andreaswDenmark63.6830 BB$
3ZZZ1000Denmark61.9420 BB$
1itstrikerNetherlands61.9440 BB$
2GertonlNetherlands61.0430 BB$
3kees7777Netherlands60.9620 BB$
1XRebornedSingapore67.2240 BB$
2IcycookieSingapore62.9830 BB$
3wtphoxSingapore62.8720 BB$
1leenokyinHong Kong68.940 BB$
2crystal00Hong Kong65.9830 BB$
3hkMPHong Kong64.0320 BB$
1Del20South Africa58.1940 BB$
2MoffcatSouth Africa58.1330 BB$
3drowzeeSouth Africa57.5920 BB$
1avgeraPortugal64.540 BB$
2alliehoePortugal61.0330 BB$
3XarmanPortugal60.5520 BB$
1pgonsalvsSpain63.8640 BB$
2jaapfrSpain63.3530 BB$
3OroySpain61.0820 BB$
1oldboltoniSwitzerland61.7540 BB$
2GiangibarSwitzerland61.430 BB$
3SDU3MSwitzerland60.5720 BB$
1bellkatoThailand65.2640 BB$
2P_BridgeThailand64.630 BB$
3owlThailand63.6420 BB$
1Jomi92Austria59.6840 BB$
2auschAustria58.530 BB$
3Lara MarieAustria57.4620 BB$
1agv12Taiwan60.7940 BB$
2EinsambrTaiwan60.4630 BB$
3wayneTaiwan57.6720 BB$
1pdcaEstonia63.6840 BB$
2meotherEstonia63.5930 BB$
3mustjaakEstonia62.1120 BB$
17sinsBelgium65.0540 BB$
2michelbodBelgium60.2330 BB$
3k1966Belgium58.2720 BB$
1kemenyHungary67.7940 BB$
2gyurciburcHungary65.6930 BB$
3quittnerHungary62.5820 BB$
1matthewbNew Zealand65.9240 BB$
2omg_lolNew Zealand60.8630 BB$
3PJF1430New Zealand59.7720 BB$
1kokkeiJapan60.4740 BB$
2ahjkjhJapan60.4230 BB$
3kidzJapan60.1320 BB$
1Miao_ZChina60.240 BB$
2c1nyangChina59.0830 BB$
3100567China56.920 BB$
1ronanvFinland69.5640 BB$
2mnordgrenFinland65.8630 BB$
3milikoFinland59.0720 BB$
1toljaCroatia65.1540 BB$
2danilo1Croatia61.9830 BB$
3feremCroatia61.720 BB$

Thank you to all players who contributed to the success of this Bridge Olympic eSports Week. Your participation and enthusiasm made this event truly special.

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