Play the all new Acol Daylong Tournament

Here's some great news for all of you who love to play Acol (and we know you are many), an Acol Daylong Tournament has just been launched. This is an 8-board game with robots that don't use the usual GIB 2/1 system, but instead play a simple and friendly version of Acol.

So, if you've been putting off playing against the robots because you're not comfortable with the 2/1 system, then this is for you.

As with all Daylongs you play at your own pace and don’t need a partner as you're playing with and against advanced robots. Everything is alerted and explained. You can click each bid to see what it means before making a move and mouse over your own bids in the bidding box to double check what they mean to your robot partner.

You get 24 hours to complete your boards and can take a break anytime and come back later in the day to resume your game. Just make sure you’ve finished your boards by midnight GMT.

Go to Competitive > All Tournaments > Acol Daylong Tournament to play.

50 comments on “Play the all new Acol Daylong Tournament”

  1. I can not see free acol individual tournament on my login
    Do you need something specific for it?

  2. Does this Daylong award EBU points? I heard they can be earned on BBO. If not on Daylong, where do I find such games? Thanks.

    1. Much of what the notes say is not Acol. It is not tight to call this Acol. Acol is the system promoted by the English Bridge union and is based on four-card suits with a weak 12-14 hcp 1NT opening bid.
      The system describes 2Club opening bids as game forcing, This, too is wrong: it is only after opener makes his first rebid in a suit that the sequence becomes a game force; otherwise when opener makes his rebid at 2NT that responder can pass. All other bids are forcing.

      1. I used the the Multi Two Diamond convention to harness the Weak Twos. I don't quite know if it works since I haven't tried it. What did you do to get both?

  3. What has happened to the daily 12-board games?

    It hasn't been available since last Tuesday (13th June).

  4. Acol Daylong has been missing for at least a week. Any plans to bring it back ?

    I know it’s free to play & doesn’t directly bring BBO any income, but I would regularly play on this tournament as a ‘warm-up’ for other tournaments.

    Now I don’t logon so much so BBO loses out

  5. The Acol robots have started using Roman Keycard Blackwood instead of standard Blackwood as stated in their notes. I don’t even know which version they play and the responses differ.

    1. Even though it says an all day tournament It also disappears from my screen for long periods of the day

    1. RKB is the creation of Eddie Kantar - he wrote a book on it. In the notes on Bridge 4 hands and I don't know if the standards are the same in this game it is described as 14 03.
      1430 describe the Kantar method; very complicated after that

  6. I looked at the results for yesterday to find that my boards played were different to the top 3 players. Are we not supposed to play the same boards?

    1. I believe there’s a ‘pool’ of boards for each day & we each play 12 boards from the pool.

    1. Whatever you do do not use an Acol robot in your club games if you can get one. There are too many differences between BBO and EBU

  7. Please introduce rewards like Zenith Daylong. 80% of the entry fee is distributed to top 30% finishers in Zenith daylong events.

      1. You can find all tournaments by logging into BBO and then clicking Competitive > All Tournaments > Acol Daylong

        1. Thanks. stupid me. I haven't played BBO for years as we moved to Real Bridge. Your instuctions didn't say log in to BBO which I now see is obvious. Silly me.

    1. Hi, I just lost my 0.42. On 3rd hand , the game packed up due to an error. I had 100% in both hands 1&2. Can this be reimbursed.

  8. I had written a detailed response to the first reply, but submitting it fails with "You have already said this".
    so, TLDR
    Acol Gib < 2/1 Gib
    Gib TP evaluation sucks
    Acol Gib valuation in response to 1NT opener is terrible

    1. Not my Mileage so far, in fact mine does VVV. ~ 40 hands played in the free section
      I have no criticism that this is Acol as Acol is a very loose standard.
      However, the Gib engine seems much weaker playing Acol than 2/1.
      Acol Gib fails to evaluate many hands over a 1NT opening, especially distributional ones. High-level decisions seem to be based on TP rather than controls. GiB's TP evaluation is a very poor system anyway but the Acol bidding database seems even more bizarre than the 2/1.
      The main problem with the rooms though is that people are still bidding 2/1 and this is distorting the results.

  9. Like the Zenith Daylong, this tournament in NOT Best Hand. An important detail not mentioned.

    1. Hi Steinar - go to Competitive > All Tournaments > Acol Daylong Tournament. If you want to avoid scrolling to look for the tournament, type Acol into the search box once inside 'All Tournaments'. I've added a screenshot above.

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