BBOers September Festival Winners

Thanks to all of you who participated in the BBOers September festival - hopefully you enjoyed taking part!

September Festival highlights

The Country vs Country Championship was once again a big success, and together you represented 22 countries in total. Türkiye came out victorious with an average player score of 57.78%. Close behind were Indonesia and Poland.

The Stars and Platinum Robot Individual was another close run thing. Click here to see the leaderboard.

Lots of you got into the survivors too, with well over 10,000 players in each tournament. Very special congratulations go to all the prize winners listed below - well done!

The BBOers September Festival Podiums

Country vs Country Championship3-Day Robot Survivor3-Day Mini SurvivorStars and Platinum Robot Individual
Klaus Claassen (KlausC)Terje Wolan (terjew)Herb Freedman (coachherb)Ishmael Del'Monte (ishd)
Piotr Wasylko (afofis) Rob Brady (bradybot)Saso (space)Jim Streisand (strei1)
Artem Poliak (poliart)Søren Justesen (s_justesen)Ivan Alexandrov (ivaliv)Fawad Hakim (Fawad1)

Quicklinks to the results

Country vs Country
3 Day Robot Survivor
3 Day Mini Survivor

Country vs Country Championship

Top 10 Countries

United States62554.94

Country vs Country Prize Winners

RankPlayerCountryScore (%)PointsPrize BB$
1KlausCSweden68.7625.4100 BB$
2afofisPoland67.4825.250 BB$
3poliartPoland66.502525 BB$
4jp1989Germany66.3724.810 BB$
5baylindTürkiye66.0024.610 BB$
6gretskyCanada65.5024.410 BB$
7GuggenPoland64.5323.8210 BB$
81hilikIsrael64.5123.6310 BB$
9rockfortUnited Kingdom64.2923.4510 BB$
10erlustyTürkiye64.1023.2610 BB$
11Markk12World64.0923.075 BB$
12EinsambrWorld64.0122.895 BB$
13monk99Türkiye63.8222.715 BB$
14star6ijaBulgaria63.7122.535 BB$
15RuaneNorway63.5122.355 BB$
16fs29United States63.4922.175 BB$
17moski1Spain63.4121.995 BB$
18TommyM47United States63.3221.815 BB$
19StanS99United States63.2321.475 BB$
20santafeWorld63.2021.35 BB$
21gr8okanTürkiye63.1121.135 BB$
22niklaskWorld62.8120.965 BB$
232020xFrance62.6720.635 BB$
24danutRomania62.6420.465 BB$
25rick853United States62.6120.35 BB$
26XRebornedWorld62.5320.145 BB$
27joefriGermany62.4219.985 BB$
28debno1974Poland62.3919.825 BB$
29eel007007Canada62.3619.665 BB$
30sazanTürkiye62.2019.55 BB$
31pchen0324Canada62.1019.193 BB$
32parnassos2Poland62.0519.043 BB$
33TiidukeWorld62.0118.593 BB$
34ER631Türkiye62.0018.443 BB$
35oktaygecitTürkiye61.9718.153 BB$
36thymepunsUnited Kingdom61.86183 BB$
37choco77777World61.6817.793 BB$
38mjamjaUnited States61.5317.433 BB$
39roalauNorway61.4917.293 BB$
40mark123Indonesia61.4617.163 BB$
41bressieIreland61.4417.021 BB$
42WildPossumUnited States61.4316.881 BB$
43orinjSharkUnited States61.3916.751 BB$
44bluesky727United States61.3816.621 BB$
45vio21Romania61.3616.421 BB$
46NostrijsWorld61.3616.421 BB$
47spcomproUnited States61.3516.221 BB$
48mustjaakWorld61.2816.091 BB$
49gurezTürkiye61.2215.961 BB$
50JoshRoseUnited States61.2015.841 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the Country vs Country Championship

3-Day Robot Survivor


PlayerScore (%)RankPrize BB$
terjew70.17110 BB$
bradybot68.8025 BB$
s_justesen68.4635 BB$
lolobrigid68.2645 BB$
antont67.4555 BB$
Orly123967.3465 BB$
pvraaij67.1175 BB$
ersavAS66.9785 BB$
tipu66.9095 BB$
swapnil12366.81105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize BB$
Paulinho82.7515 BB$
m_monchev79.4125 BB$
tahirhoca79.2035 BB$

Day 2 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
fomina78.1415 BB$
timuredis77.4025 BB$
tonys777.1335 BB$

Day 3 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
antont75.0515 BB$
Tweety174.9525 BB$
stanfo74.5835 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Robot Survivor Winners

3-Day Mini Survivor

Overall Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize BB$
coachherb70.53110 BB$
space69.8325 BB$
ivaliv68.3635 BB$
cris31m68.2445 BB$
scoop67.5055 BB$
stiopa jm66.8165 BB$
tmalexiu66.5875 BB$
jarek44466.3685 BB$
tishma66.2995 BB$
Anbarli6165.92105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize BB$
scoop79.8615 BB$
Sasek79.3225 BB$
mkul79.1735 BB$

Day 2 Winners

UsernameScore (%)RankPrize BB$
Anbarli6183.0115 BB$
zbang278.7225 BB$
cigol77.8835 BB$

Day 3 Winners

UsernameScore (%)RankPrize BB$
crivals77.6415 BB$
ifathina74.5425 BB$
tishma74.0435 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Mini Survivor Winners

People who register with multiple aliases are not eligible for prizes

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