Meet Kiran, BBO's Accounting Manager

When did you first hear about bridge?

I discovered the game of Bridge for the first time when I was 15 and getting into playing card games online. I started watching the game and picked up on some basics by asking questions and practicing playing the game

When did you discover online bridge and BBO?

I discovered bridge in my early years but did not continue due to complexity of the rules and not fully getting a grasp of the game. I discovered BBO for the first time when applying for this job. I was very quick to sign up and was really excited to join the team, when given the opportunity. I have since taken a beginner’s course in Bridge and currently in the process of learning to play the game properly.

On BBO, what do you like to play?

As a beginner, I’m still playing instant tournaments with robots to help get a better grasp of the game and bidding rules.

What do you find most difficult about learning bridge?

Bidding rules by far. Bridge play is very close to a traditional local game played back home. I personally don’t find the card counting or the play itself difficult, however, the bidding seems to be the toughest for me to master.

What should be done to bring more people into the game?

I believe if we increased awareness by marketing Bridge classes, engage the younger generation, and connect the true real bridge players to the newer generation it would really bring more people into the game. There are some very passionate, very good expert players out there and if they can rub off even 5% of their passion for the game on some of the younger generation, and really get them excited about learning and enjoying the game, I think we will have a lot of great future bridge players.

What else do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I volunteer in my community institution as an Auditor, I also like to read, go for long walks, go to spin classes, do yoga & sometimes binge watch my favorite shows on Netflix.

Can you explain what you do at BBO in simple terms?

I’m an Accounting Manager at BBO. In simple terms, I manage where the money comes from and where it goes at BBO. On an average day, I’m either working on banking details, payroll updates, managing money movements and approvals, reviewing financials, submitting audit requests, or resolving tax issues. I have an amazing team of three individuals who are customer facing and assist our customers with any transactional issues.

Tell us about your family

I’m married, living with my husband in Sugar Land, TX and we have no kids. Although, I do come from a big family and I’m a third child out of four children. Both my older sisters are married, and I have two beautiful, extremely fun but true troublemaker nephews. I have a younger brother who is a pulmonary critical care doctor getting married in August.

If you could choose a superpower, what power would you like to have?

If I could choose a superpower, I would choose flight. A superpower that would allow me to travel the world while also enjoying the beauty this planet has to offer.

What is the best advice you ever received?

I honestly can’t think of a particular piece of advice that I have received from anyone. Although there is a quote that has always stuck with me.

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan

If I ever fail at something, this quote always reminds me that I’m only one step closer to the day I succeed.

Do you like travelling?

I love travelling! Since I was 10, my dad made sure that we took yearly vacations. We have driven across the US, driven across the prairies in Canada to Edmonton from Toronto. I have been on over 15 cruises traveling to the Caribbean, Mexico, the Mediterranean, and Alaska. I have been to Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Gibraltar, Monte Carlo, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. In the next few years, I’d really like to travel to Hawaii, Dubai, the Maldives, the Amalfi coast, London and Paris.

What would your perfect week look like?

A perfect week would be spending some quality time at a beautiful destination with my entire family. Enjoying the views of a new destination, trying new foods, trying new activities, talking non-stop for hours with family and playing with my nephews.

4 comments on “Meet Kiran, BBO's Accounting Manager”

      I had to change credit card because my account was comprised . I forgot my password and I'm unable to add any funds to my current account I'm not able to change my password without help I need someone to walk me thru the process

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