Meet Patrick from the BBO team

Patrick is one of our developers. As you'll see he's a very active man, with loads of interests and hobbies. He's also a great developer and we're lucky to have him. He's a very important part of our team, and keeps his eye firmly on the details, making sure we achieve what we set out to do. His enthusiasm and creativity helps us all stay upbeat and positive.

Can you explain what you do at BBO in simple terms?

My role in the wider BBO family is that of a developer. If you're not sure what that means - I write lines of code.


By the way, I'm probably not new to you as you probably know my face from the home page of the BBO site.

Patrick on the BBO homepage

What should be done to bring more people into the game?

There are plenty of things that could be done to encourage more people into the game. Here are a few ideas:

  • Work on Bridge's image: I'm not a bridge enthusiast but I do like to learn new things. I find the elitist image a bit of a barrier, even though I see it can be fun.
  • More training and education: there should be more tools available to help the general public understand and want to play the game. When I hear it takes years to get comfortable with bridge, it's really demotivating. Bridge games online need more exposure which would hopefully help them find a wider audience.
  • A last card to play could be to ask Netflix to make a series like the one they did for the chess world, The Queen's Gambit!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I'm a rapper and producer. I've won a few contests which made me feel like a star… for a few hours 🙂

Here's one of my songs if you want to have a listen:

I like to draw, both digitally and on paper. Below, you'll see my Halloween design. You can see more work on my Instagram account.

I also love to dance and have been doing Afro dance for a number of years.

If you could choose a superpower, what power would you like to have?

I wish I had the power to reason with everyone on earth. We're all part of the same family and should all take better care of our home.

What's the best advice you ever received

Hope this is ok, it's a quote by Ghandi - "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

What would your perfect week look like?

My perfect week would be just doing the things I like to do every day. I could break it down like this:
Monday: Drawing
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Dancing
Thursday: Football or maybe soccer 😉
Friday: Work (a little)
Saturday: Party
Sunday: Rest in front of Netflix

24 comments on “Meet Patrick from the BBO team”

  1. Hello Patrick good to have you aboard I have been studying bridge for over 20 years traveling to tournaments and I’m still what they call an intermediate and sometimes not too good at that level it takes a while

  2. What a great idea to introduce us to one of your team ! Hi Patrick, cool that you're in the video receiving the hard look from the other player. Here in Knoxville, we have an afro pop and global sounds show on the radio Sunday afternoons, which is great. Your week described is perfect, especially, "work a little" one day only.

  3. I can’t find the instant tournaments? I hope you haven’t taken them away? Please let me know. That’s how I start my day and end my day!

    1. Hi Helen - the instant tournaments are still there. Just login to BBO and click on the 'instant tournament' link in the featured area.

  4. Many of the people on this site are malicious. I've been called stupid, a moron, a banana, an idiot, a monkey, and an f cking pig. Why is bridge culture so hateful?

    1. It is unfortunate. The anonymity of the internet makes some people say stupid stuff they would never say to your face. I joined BBO 15 years ago, and didn’t stay long, mostly because of all the rudeness. I’m happy to see that since I returned at the beginning of the pandemic, things HAVE improved.

  5. Why are there so many insulting people on BBO? I've been called stupid, moron, a jerk, a monkey, an idiot, a watermelon, and a fucking pig. That's a lot of abuse. On occasion, I'll write something in the bridge abuse line to complain, but it's not going to solve the problem. For every cockroach I kill, 2 more rise (metaphorically speaking). They justify the abuse by stating that they need to be truthful about my playing ability. Wow--- that rationalization really takes the cake, doesn't it? Why does the game have to be such a degrading experience?

  6. Enjoyed reading all about you and especially loved your music. BBO was/is literally a life saver for our bridge club during this pandemic. Thank you for all that you do.

  7. Hi Patrick, everything you wrote is inspiring! This is my first time I've ever read the "Messages" when I logged in to BBO and I learned so much is such a short period of time. It's nice to know who is behind the scenes making BBO such a useful, fun, and learning experience.

  8. Hello Patrick: Thanks for all the work you do for BBO. Your suggestions all make sense as well. It is nice to know more about the people involved with BBO....your life seems full and fulfilling.


  9. Obviously you are a real asset to the bridge community and BBO. We are lucky to have you. Loved your rapping, your Ghandi quote and your ideal schedule. I know you will bring your radiance to BBO. Thank you.

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