Weekly Highlights: December 6 - 12

  • DailyEvery Hour
    • Hot Dog Speedball -Pairs
    • Cotton Candy – Pairs
    • Candy Apple – Pairs
    • Churros Open – Pairs

18 comments on “Weekly Highlights: December 6 - 12”

  1. Why are the hands so one sided ? We can play for 2 hours and all the good cards go to one side. It gets very boring for the side not getting anything to play with.

  2. I HAVE A FRIEND WHO IS A BRIDGE PLAYER but she doesn't belong to ACBL is this necessary in order to play BBO? dITTO Harriet's comment./

  3. I am a long-time Bridge player who loves to play this great game. However, if you want to attract actual Bridge players, it would be helpful if you gave SOME direction on how to join BBO; I have combed your website several times hoping to find some direction toward actually PLAYING the game--sadly to no avail. Is there some secret code that I've missed? Or is your membership now at capacity? If not, please let me know, since I love playing Bridge.

  4. Perhaps BBO could sponsor a pairs game equivalent to an ACBL 499er game that could be used for practice by less experienced players.

  5. Perhaps BBO could sponsor a pairs game equivalent to an ACBL 499er game that could be used for practice by less experienced players.

  6. Re: lack of NLM games....I was told by BBO it was because of lack of participation. Someone from ACBL said they did not like the way BBO was calculating the points. New folks have lots of opportunities to learn how to play but what is the point if there are no places to play for $1.75 like open players enjoy? An open player($1.75/game) can play every day for $12.50/week. People who prefer limited games would pay anywhere from $35 to $63/week. Monthly that's $50 vs. $140 to $252 roughly depending on the clubs in which you are "permitted" to play. That is why open players can play multiple times a day. Kind of unfair, right?

  7. ACBL told me NLM games were canceled due to lack of participation. There’s a BBForum on topic. Better players have given some good reasons about short comings of NLM games and difficulty developing a robot pair vs human pair replacement game.

    If you can play in a Virtual Club’s restricted game, that’s your best place to practice against similar skill level players. Clubs associated with The Common Game have several boards evaluated by a pro, which is good instructional feedback. Maybe ACBL will have a NLM stratified tournament, but that’s not the same as daily practice to improve your partnership.

    Maybe there is something in BBO Prime without ACBL Masterpoints. I’m not a member, but if yes, they should advertise.

  8. I asked a director the same question. Her reply was “ I am not at liberty to say.” She also said she didn’t know if it would be brought back.

  9. I asked a director that same question. Her reply was “I am not at liberty to say why.” She did not know if it would be brought back.

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