The NABC Robot Individual is coming! Registration opens November 6 (Friday) and if you register between November 6 and November 16 you receive a $10 discount. Read the NABC info page for details.
What’s the NABC Robot Individual like? You don’t need to guess. Try the free NABC Practice Tournament this weekend (November 7 – 8) to see for yourself. You’ll find the NABC Practice Tournament in the ACBL WORLD section of BBO this weekend.
Tournament Conditions of Play:
This practice tournament is free and uses advanced robots. Click here for the robot system notes.
ACBL membership is required. Click here to check if BBO has your ACBL number on file.
Each session is 12 boards, Matchpoints scoring.
Each daily session lasts 24 hours. You must complete your daily boards before midnight US Eastern Time.
Unplayed boards are scored as 0 (zero).
You need to play at least 1 board each day to advance to the next day.
Not everyone will be dealt the same boards.
You need to play each day to progress to the next day. To spell it out – You can’t play on Sunday without playing on Saturday.
We’ll give out Free Entries to the actual NABC Robot Individual (November 21-23), as follows:
Free entry to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in NABC Practice tournament – Day 1
Free entry to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in NABC Practice tournament – Day 2
Free entries to 1st to 5th place overall
If a free entry winner already has registered to the NABC Robot Individual, their entry fee will be refunded
If the overall winners have already won free entry in one of the previous sessions, the prize goes to next place (6th, 7th, etc.)
How to join the practice tourney?
Click ACBL WORLD and look for the ACBL NABC Practice Tournament.
Interested in the NABC Robot? We'll send you updates and reminders
12 comments on “NABC Practice this weekend: November 7–8!”
I could not find the practice session for the NABC Robot tournament listed on Nov. 8th???why??
I registered to play but wish the strat 500 could be raised to 750. Or non life master. Any chance of that? I have 570 pts. It is quite a leap to the next strat. Feel like I don’t have a chance from the start.
Thank you BridgeBase for the number of free games you give to us. The cost of the tournaments keeps me from paying and playing with robots. Maybe you could have more economical (cheaper) robot tournaments so we can support you financially. If you did it without awarding master points, could the cost be significantly lowered?
I could not find the practice session for the NABC Robot tournament listed on Nov. 8th???why??
Are Masterpoints awarded for this free tournament?
Practice tournaments should be free to all ,so we can see if we would like to participate in the main event.
I registered to play but wish the strat 500 could be raised to 750. Or non life master. Any chance of that? I have 570 pts. It is quite a leap to the next strat. Feel like I don’t have a chance from the start.
Other than "they are advanced", makes advanced robots better than basic robots?
Advanced robots have more time to make simulations for the most suitable action. They have more "thinking time"
Hi Pat, Practice tournaments are free.
What is cost of tounament
What is cost of tounament
Thank you BridgeBase for the number of free games you give to us. The cost of the tournaments keeps me from paying and playing with robots. Maybe you could have more economical (cheaper) robot tournaments so we can support you financially. If you did it without awarding master points, could the cost be significantly lowered?
I believe you are a distant cousin to the Ernest & Robert Lander family from the New England area.
We who play for enjoyment don't focus on awards.