And the winners are... 2020 Bridge International Championship results are in!

Almost 4,200 players took part in the 2020 Bridge International Championship (BIC), playing just over 25,500 sessions!

Special congratulations go to the players on the BIC podium! Semir from Bulgaria, won gold with 66.68%, CorpLaw of the United States won silver with 66% and jlw77, also from the USA, grabbed bronze with 65.52%.

BBO BIC 2020 Leaderboard

Click here for the full BIC overall leaderboard or hit the button below (or scroll down) to see a the list of prize winners.

BBO BIC 2020 Country Winners

Nine countries had more than 10 players in the BIC finals and get to crown their own BIC country champion. Click the buttons below, or scroll down, to see the best players by country in the 2020 BIC.

Well done to all participants!

BBO BIC 2020 Prize Winners

Congratulations to the first ever BBO BIC International Champion, Semir! Congratulations also go to CorpLaw who finished in second and jlw77 in third.

The top 150 players won prizes and they're listed below. You can see the full BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1SemirBulgaria230 BB$ + 6 months subscription to BBO Prime66.68
2CorpLawUnited States150 BB$ + 6 months BBO Prime66
3jlw77United States80 BB$ + 6 months BBO Prime65.52
4GABRIALSEWIndonesia10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime65.04
5cngzTurkey10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime64.54
6beto_7Indonesia10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime64.08
7strei1United States10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime63.8
8sieongUnited States10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime63.6
91jongUnited States10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime62.76
10ToingIndonesia10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime62.19
11cphsig01Romania5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime62.09
12ynhUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime62.04
13kingsladinIndonesia5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.93
14uslaRomania5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.6
15Enot1Russian Federation5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.54
16ioneluRomania5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.5
17lingonbackSweden5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.48
18K3nzoIndonesia5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.47
19polo_07Indonesia5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.47
20daniel1123United States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.44
21joefriGermany5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.42
22JRMayneUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.35
23pikarekRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.22
24zvedroUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.11
25J LiGermany5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.06
26trexterIndonesia5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.87
27Hanoi5Rest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.7
28TiidukeRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.66
29yuval10Israel5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.64
30drowzeeSouth Africa5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.54
31VilliamNorway5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.37
32tiger baitUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.32
33kolesnikUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.19
34adamebaPoland5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.16
35Nige1United Kingdom5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.11
36lenv1United States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.09
37darthCanada5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.07
38zeke46United States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.04
39will212United Kingdom5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.98
40stcSwitzerland5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.95
41dvkrUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.84
42jiang_guUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.82
43kelanIreland5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.79
44TudiCoolCanada5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.69
44AKQTxxxUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.69
46MRLYONKINGUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.67
47eternaldanRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.59
48razorsharpUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.51
49begseTurkey5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.44
50ctuncokUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.34
51Bosie1South Africa3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.09
51LeftfootUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.09
53MarttimRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.98
54chorushUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.92
55Super1963Russian Federation3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.85
56EDYSIndonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.85
57toufuCanada3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.84
58canelasSpain3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.83
59inongIndonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.74
60Mang UjoIndonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.71
61gryphoUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.69
62KSKCUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.63
63LeonhartIndonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.62
64davidmjCanada3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.62
65Gab7ntUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.56
66z_aznilrIndonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.55
67dsm87United States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.53
68gdum111Romania3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.43
69dobalobUnited Kingdom3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.41
70nurkunyilIndonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.4
71tamas9Hungary3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.34
72Lesley20Canada3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.3
73deinosUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.29
74sonoFrance3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.23
75Ilfuego333Rest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.18
76PSMartinUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.14
77CARTAGENA1Colombia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.12
78HagZNorway3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.06
79mforkUnited Kingdom3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.03
80herbie22United States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.92
81antontUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.89
82wmouUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.85
83Senger RGermany3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.85
84operatorCanada3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.84
85sony_polPoland3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.83
86fikoooTurkey3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.82
87SamuikIndonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.76
88willemmRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.6
89quintefoxCanada3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.55
90BatmanBradUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.42
91rodvennNorway3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.42
92sammarksUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.34
93joginsbergUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.28
94fchangUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.17
94vicky82Norway3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.17
96phdanSwitzerland3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.16
97daun212Indonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.16
98gezaHungary3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.01
99niklaskSweden3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.97
100miamijdUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.89
101JokerMerahIndonesia1 BB$56.88
102kania12Poland1 BB$56.87
103garozoanIndonesia1 BB$56.86
104dinucfRomania1 BB$56.84
105TEG91Norway1 BB$56.75
106santafeRest of World1 BB$56.72
107kampioen31Austria1 BB$56.7
108danilo1Rest of World1 BB$56.65
109SheikYbutiUnited States1 BB$56.64
110yannnosGreece1 BB$56.6
111danraiUnited States1 BB$56.52
112Riverman1United States1 BB$56.5
113sowestSweden1 BB$56.49
114emceeUnited States1 BB$56.46
115lizzy99Norway1 BB$56.44
116ciaranIreland1 BB$56.4
117CFT_023Indonesia1 BB$56.36
118nxw0016United States1 BB$56.22
119victor1111Canada1 BB$56.21
120harley42United States1 BB$56.2
121jaihwacatIndonesia1 BB$56.17
122redubl1United States1 BB$56.17
123fs29United States1 BB$56.07
124Miao_ZChina1 BB$56.01
125ttlfbTurkey1 BB$55.98
126xbrownPortugal1 BB$55.9
127abhirarUnited States1 BB$55.88
127jardaholyRest of World1 BB$55.88
129rhambhaUnited States1 BB$55.84
130Thom_XHungary1 BB$55.84
131daffydocUnited States1 BB$55.76
132rishabhUnited States1 BB$55.76
133Rajeev1United States1 BB$55.72
134ivaylovskiBulgaria1 BB$55.68
135dustinst22United States1 BB$55.66
136McZenUnited States1 BB$55.6
136VulturonAustralia1 BB$55.6
138daw28United States1 BB$55.59
139nhammondUnited States1 BB$55.49
140ITSurabayaIndonesia1 BB$55.48
141cbaldersonUnited States1 BB$55.47
142hottodstlUnited States1 BB$55.37
143ebettetoRest of World1 BB$55.3
144marcopawPoland1 BB$55.28
145eyhungRest of World1 BB$55.26
146CoinerbopUnited States1 BB$55.24
147BearishPortugal1 BB$55.24
148simadaItaly1 BB$55.21
149x27United States1 BB$55.19
150moysianUnited States1 BB$55.17


Congratulations to darth who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Canada 2020. Congratulations also go to TudiCool who finished in second and toufu third. You can see the full Canadian BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1darthCanadaBB$50 + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime60.07
2TudiCoolCanadaBB$40 + 3 months BBO Prime59.69
3toufuCanadaBB$30 + 3 months BBO Prim58.84


Congratulations to GABRIALSEW who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Indonesia 2020. Congratulations also go to beto_7 who finished in second and Toing third. You can see the full Indonesian BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1GABRIALSEWIndonesiaBB$50 + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime65.04
2beto_7IndonesiaBB$40 + 3 months BBO Prime64.08
3ToingIndonesiaBB$30 + 3 months BBO Prim62.19


Congratulations to kelan who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Ireland 2020. Congratulations also go to ciaran who finished in second and jeannief third. You can see the full Irish BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1kelanIrelandBB$50 + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime59.79
2ciaranIrelandBB$40 + 3 months BBO Prime56.4
3jeanniefIrelandBB$30 + 3 months BBO Prim54.96


Congratulations to yuval10 who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Israel 2020. Congratulations also go to avi8108 who finished in second and cronopio14 third. You can see the full Israeli BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1yuval10IsraelBB$50 + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime60.64
2avi8108IsraelBB$40 + 3 months BBO Prime54.92
3cronopio14IsraelBB$30 + 3 months BBO Prim53.08


Congratulations to Villiam who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Norway 2020. Congratulations also go to HagZ who finished in second and rodvenn third. You can see the full Norwegian BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1VilliamNorwayBB$50 + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime60.37
2HagZNorwayBB$40 + 3 months BBO Prime58.06
3rodvennNorwayBB$30 + 3 months BBO Prim57.42


Congratulations to adameba who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Poland 2020. Congratulations also go to sony_pol who finished in second and kania12 third. You can see the full Polish BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1adamebaPolandBB$50 + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime60.16
2sony_polPolandBB$40 + 3 months BBO Prime57.83
3kania12PolandBB$30 + 3 months BBO Prim56.87


Congratulations to cngz who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Turkey 2020. Congratulations also go to begse who finished in second and fikooo third. You can see the full Turkish BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1cngzTurkeyBB$50 + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime64.54
2begseTurkeyBB$40 + 3 months BBO Prime59.44
3fikoooTurkeyBB$30 + 3 months BBO Prim57.82

United Kingdom

Congratulations to Nige1 who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion United Kingdom 2020. Congratulations also go to will212 who finished in second and dobalob third. You can see the full United Kingdom BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1Nige1United KingdomBB$50 + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime60.11
2will212United KingdomBB$40 + 3 months BBO Prime59.98
3dobalobUnited KingdomBB$30 + 3 months BBO Prim58.41

United States

Congratulations to CorpLaw who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion United States 2020. Congratulations also go to jlw77 who finished in second and strei1 third. You can see the full United States BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1CorpLawUnited StatesBB$50 + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime66
2jlw77United StatesBB$40 + 3 months BBO Prime65.52
3strei1United StatesBB$30 + 3 months BBO Prim63.8
3 comments on “And the winners are... 2020 Bridge International Championship results are in!”

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