Haziran's Festival news round-up The Haziran Festival has now come to an end, and here's how things panned out. In the Country vs. Country Championships, Re.Da (preda) came out on […]...
The BBOers Haziran Festival finished yesterday, so let's take a look at who came out top in the premium Stars and Platinum 3 Day Robot Individual. Special congratulations go to Jim Streisand […]...
Congratulations to the top 30 BBO Point winners for Mayısısısısıs 2024. The BB$ prizes shown are on top of any regular prizes won. Well done everyone! If you're looking to […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff South’s two-spade overcall was aggressive, but a reasonable shot in a pair game. East would have doubled back in for take-out if two […]...
Bobby Wolff answers your questions My partner had: Vulnerable against not, and heard his RHO open one club in third seat. He passed, then passed again when the one no-trump […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff As we conclude our themed week, North judges his hand too strong for a pre-emptive raise to four spades. Opening Lead: ♥3 Holding […]...
This weekend’s Super Pazar Daylong winners are: rishabh with a score of 86.06%, mr_zajob in second place with 85.26% and chessred in third with 82.04%. 24510 players registered to play the Super Pazar […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff We carry on with this week’s theme of camouflaging the led suit in defense. Opening Lead: ♥J West opens a weak two hearts, […]...
Celebrate Father's Day with Free Games and Surprise Gifts! Let's mark Pazar, Haziran 16, 2024 as a day to appreciate the amazing fathers in our bridge community for all they […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Today’s themed deal comes from a past Asian Pacific Championships. Opening Lead: ♠Q West led the spade queen to three no-trump, East taking […]...
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Place yourself in the East chair for this deal, continuing our theme of hiding the layout of the led suit from declarer. Opening […]...
Your Goal: Score 50% or More Who are these games for?Are you a player with fewer than 49 masterpoints, looking to gain confidence and enjoy bridge in a relaxed, welcoming […]...