Calling all BBO Prime members; make sure to join the free monthly Prime Tournament on the 28th of each month. There's Video Chat, jokes, contests, random prizes and deal analysis […]...
Educational Foundation Week Throughout the week of February 13 - 19, 2023, the ACBL are raising money for the ACBL Educational Foundation. Part of each Virtual Club entry fee will be donated. […]...
We are back in France this week to see the finale of the opening event in the 2023 calendar, the French Premier League. After three weekends, over which 12 teams […]...
We return to France for the opening event in the 2023 calendar. After three weekends, over which 12 teams played a complete round robin, four teams emerged to contest the […]...
This weekend’s Super Sunday Daylong winners are: PSMartin with a score of 81.09%, lupoveloce in second place with 81.01% and tenn in third with 79.4%. 22852 players registered to play the Super Sunday […]...
Win points and BB$ rewards Reward games are fun and exciting. Some are purely skill based, and others rely on a bit of luck too. Playing reward games gives you […]...
BBOers Festival Stars and Platinum Mike and I had planned to continue our competition (after our dishwashing challenge) in December, but I was unwell. I bowed out, leaving him to […]...
This quiz was written by Oren Lidor. About the Author Oren Lidor is considered one of the best bridge teachers in Israel, is the author of 5 bridge books, and teaches […]...
Hanoi5 is Hanoi Rondón, professor of bridge and Academic Director of the Chilean Bridge Federation. He brings us his weekly rally for 100% with the robots in the Weekly Free Instant […]...
Play this week’s Free Instant Tournament then see how you compare to multiple Australian National Champion and representative Peter Hollands. Go to Instant Tournaments > Weekly Free Instant Tournament to […]...
Jim Munday (jmunday sur BBO) a remporté le Stars and Platinum Robot Individuals de janvier avec un score global de 64.90%. Mais qui se cache derrière ce grand gagnant ? […]...
Chers joueurs, essayez de résoudre cet exercice. Pour chaque bonne réponse, vous obtiendrez des points et votre score global sera affiché ainsi que vos bonnes réponses, une fois que vous […]...