Hand of the day #156

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

Today’s deal comes from a national tournament, where Han Peters outplayed a multiple world champion in the other room.

Opening Lead: Q

Both Souths preferred to conceal their second suit, so played three no-trump. (Of course, four hearts would have been far easier.) As expected, both Wests led a top heart instead of the fatal club.

The unsuccessful declarer won and played a diamond to the queen, which was allowed to hold. Now, on the diamond ace and another diamond, South fatally pitched two hearts. East won her diamond king, cashed the heart jack, and shifted to a spade. When declarer ducked, West could win, take his heart trick, then lead a club, locking the lead in dummy so that the defenders were sure to collect a club. Had South risen with the spade ace to play another spade, dummy would have had to pitch a heart or a club, and the defenders would get their fifth trick before declarer had nine.

Peters did better when on the same start he discarded spades from hand. The defenders unblocked the hearts and led a spade, but he won the ace and played a third heart, setting up his ninth trick before the defenders had their club winner developed. If East shifts to spades before unblocking hearts, declarer must play for the hearts to be blocked. He finesses in spades, then hops up with the club ace, runs the diamonds while pitching hearts, and exits with a club. The defenders can now take only four tricks.

Bid with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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3 comments on “Hand of the day #156”

  1. I disagree! It's true: it's a bad club holding BUT if the bidder ask clubs likely he's honoured in clubs. Consequently to have 4 cards in clubs even not honoured is positive because it means opponents have few clubs! For all these considerations right bid could be directly 4S

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