Test Your Bridge Skills #45

Written by Oren Lidor.

Hand 1

What will you bid as South?

Hand 2

What will you bid as South?

Hand 3

Against 4 your partner led the ♠3. The declarer tried the ♠Q and you followed with the ♠K, which won the trick. What will you do next?

Hand 4

You play 4, and West leads the ♠K (asking count), with East following with the ♠4. At trick 2, West switches to the ♣Q. What is your next move?

About the Author

Oren Lidor is considered one of the best bridge teachers in Israel, is the author of 5 bridge books, and teaches bridge to people from all over the world on BBO.

13 comments on “Test Your Bridge Skills #45”
  1. For hand 2, the opener's hand is cherry picked. To run out with 44 after 1N gets axed, the suit contract must yield two extra tricks while the opposition hardly scores any ruffs in 1Nx

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