Hand of the day #202 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff In today’s deal from the Cavendish, the field reached three no-t...
Hand of the day #201 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff In today’s deal the level of the slam dictates the line of play,...
Hand of the day #200 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff When you have reached game after a defender has opened the bidding...
Hand of the day #199 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff There is nothing more embarrassing than to go past game while expl...
Hand of the day #198 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff At no-trump it is often right to duck tricks early, not late. But ...
Hand of the day #197 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Had West opened the bidding in this deal, North-South might well h...
Hand of the day #196 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff In today’s auction North’s jump-shift followed by a new suit w...
Hand of the day #195 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Fred Gitelman of Canada was part of the team that won the Transnat...
Hand of the day #194 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff It is always embarrassing to make a technical error, and to perpet...
Hand of the day #193 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff One problem of being known as a great player is that your opponent...
Hand of the day #192 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff In the quarter-finals of the 2000 Bermuda Bowl World Championships...
Hand of the day #191 The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff When you lead a singleton 10 in a side suit against a suit contrac...