Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #31

This conundrum was written by Eddie Kantar and was originally published in the book Take All Your Chances - you can find out all about it further down the page.

With your side vulnerable, you open 1, West overcalls 1, and partner makes a negative double, unlimited, showing four spades. East ups the ante to 4, typically showing thirteen cards at this vulnerability. You double to show a strong hand lacking direction. Your double elicits 5 from partner, ending the auction. West leads the Q. Plan the play. Diamonds are 1-1.

About the book

Selecting the best line of play in a bridge hand as declarer is not easy. Most novices know something about basic odds and percentages, and can often find a line that offers a reasonable chance of success. However, the expert will skillfully combine options, so as to take advantage of more than chance. Rather than putting all his eggs in one basket, he will 'stay alive', squeezing out every extra chance. In this book of intermediate problems, Kantar shows the reader how to do this — there is always a line of play that will allow you take all your chances, and bring home your contract. 

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