Hanoi5 è Hanoi Rondón professore di bridge e direttore accademico della Federazione cilena di Bridge. Semanalmente ci parla del suo scontro con i robot nel Torneo Instantáneo Gratuito Semanal. [...]...
Hanoi5 è Hanoi Rondón, professore di bridge e direttore accademico della Federazione Cilena Bridge . Ci porta il suo raduno settimanale per il 100% con i robot nel Weekly Free Instant [...]...
More robot systems added, catering to more diverse bridge tastes than ever before Two new games have recently joined our growing family of multi-system daylongs; the SEF and SAYC Daylongs. […]...
This is it, our last visit to the small Dutch town of Veldhoven and the 2023 World Youth Bridge Championships. Today, the medals will be decided in all five events. […]...
Welcome to ‘Agosto Madness’ and what American fans of college basketball would call “The Final Four”. We are back in the small Dutch town of Veldhoven for our penultimate visit […]...
Thank you to everyone who participated in the BBOers Agosto Festival. We hope you enjoyed playing exciting boards and had a great time playing. Agosto Festival news round-up It's fantastic […]...
Congratulations go to Alex Perlin for his second Stars & Platinum Robot Individual win in 4 months! That's some going, especially when you consider he was up against 1151 top […]...
Giocatori, cercate di risolvere questo esercizio. Per ogni risposta corretta, otterrete dei punti e il vostro punteggio globale verrà visualizzato insieme alle vostre risposte corrette, una volta che avrete [...]...
The BBOers Agosto Festival kicked off on Lunedì, featuring a variety of exciting events. One of the highlights, the Stars & Platinum Robot Individual, is now entering its third day […]...
And then there were eight. We return to the Dutch town of Veldhoven and the 2023 World Youth Bridge Championships for quarter-final day. After five days of qualifying, there are […]...
The BBOers Agosto Festival kicked off yesterday, featuring a variety of exciting events. One of the highlights, the Stars & Platinum Robot Individual, is now entering its second day of […]...
Here are the results so far for the ACBL Club Championship Games. Congratulations go to all the prize winners listed below. DAY 6 Sabato, Agosto 12 10:10AM ACBL Club Championship Game […]...