Nell'ambito della settimana dell'innovazione che si terrà all'inizio del mese di gennaio, abbiamo deciso di parlarvi dell'équipe di sviluppo e della loro [...]...
We are back in the national capital, Canberra, for the Australian Summer Festival. The National Open Teams will begin in a couple of days, but the focus for now is […]...
We return to the Summer Festival in the Australian capital, Canberra. Before the National Open Teams begins later in the week, it is the final of the playoffs to see […]...
Welcome back to the central Indian city of Jabalpur, the venue for the 65th Indian Winter National Championships. The main event of this week-long festival is the Open Teams for […]...
Welcome to Jabalpur, a city about the size of Dallas, Texas in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Perhaps most notable as the reputed birthplace of the game of […]...
Cliquez ici pour retrouver l'ensemble des "À qui la faute ?" La paire Nord-Sud a déclaré un très mauvais contrat. Comme souvent, chacun des deux joueurs pense que son partenaire […]...
This weekend’s Super Domenica Daylong winners are: plieber with a score of 82.3%, jordotron in second place with 82.05% and engsetter1 in third with 80.41%. 23012 players registered to play the Super Domenica […]...
Join Steve Raine to try Daylong Reward (Total Points). The goal is simple - score as many points as you can. 70% of the entry fees go towards the BB$ […]...
Meet Our Team of Developers Innovation Week is extended until Gennaio 21 - click here to see how you can get involved, and have some fun with our latest AI […]...
This weekend’s Super Domenica Daylong winners are: usla with a score of 85.79%, craigsgame in second place with 82.84% and giodelfo in third with 82.63%. 23012 players registered to play the Super Domenica […]...
When it comes to gearing up for an important tournament, you need to consider technical, physical, and psychological aspects. There's no one-size-fits-all piece of advice because each player brings their […]...
The ACBL’s Junior program helps grow the game of bridge for players aged 26 and under with special events, education and more. Junior Fund Week starts on Gennaio 28 and […]...