Hand of the day #96
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff There are many reasons for not taking a trick immediately. Today’s deal demonstrates two ways that ducking may cut the defenders’ communications. First, […]...
Hand of the day #95
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Against four hearts West did remarkably well to start with the diamond 10 rather than a spade, which would have simplified declarer’s task […]...
Hand of the day #94
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff In four hearts, South ruffed the lead of the club king in dummy and paused for reflection. One slim chance for declarer would […]...
Hand of the day #93
The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff Sitting South, plan the play in four spades after the defense starts with two rounds of clubs. Remember, when a contract looks undemanding, […]...
Test Your Bridge Skills #51
Questo quiz è stato scritto da Oren Lidor. Informazioni sull'autore Oren Lidor è considerato uno dei migliori insegnanti di bridge in Israele, è autore di 5 libri bridge e insegna [...]...
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