Calling all BBO Prime members; make sure to join the free monthly Prime Tournament on the 28th of each month. There's Video Chat, jokes, contests, random prizes and deal analysis […]...
We are in Lahore, Pakistan, where we have reached the critical stage that will decide which countries represent the Bridge Federation of Asia and the Middle East at the World […]...
We are in Lahore, Pakistan, where we have reached the knock-out stage of the main events at the 22nd Bridge Federation of Asia and the Middle East Championships. The semi-finals […]...
This weekend’s Super Domenica Daylong winners are: acuk with a score of 82.27%, bog66 in second place with 82.01% and zanjibar in third with 81.63%. 23072 players registered to play the Super Domenica […]...
We return to Lahore, Pakistan and the 22nd Bridge Federation of Asia and the Middle East Championships. We are approaching the end of the round robin qualifier stage of the […]...
Dear BBOers, have a go at this bidding problems. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the exercise. Good luck! This article was written […]...
Giocatori, cercate di risolvere questo esercizio. Ottenete 1 punto se trovate la risposta giusta. Le risposte corrette saranno affisse una volta terminato il quiz. [...]...
We are back in Lahore, Pakistan and the 22nd running of the bi-annual Bridge Federation of Asia and the Middle East Championships. We are at the round robin qualifier stage […]...
Ecco i risultati delle partite del campionato ACBL Club Congratulazioni a tutti i vincitori dei premi elencati di seguito. Domenica 21 maggio 10:10 ACBL Club Championship Game Classifica Vincitori [...]...
To practice bidding with your partner without having to play each hand, you can start a new table in the Bidding mode. Here's how to do it: Click on Practice under the […]...
Having started in Buenos Aires, we have come via France, Poland, Turkey and Australia to our fourth continent this month, Asia. Welcome to Lahore which, with a population marginally higher […]...
Alex Perlin recently won the Stars & Platinum Robot Individual in the BBOers Maggio Festival. He finished consistently with an overall score of 63.62%. I caught up with him to […]...