Hand of the day #181

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

One of my main concerns with the administration of bridge is that proper care and attention be taken to foster the development of the game in schools and universities.

Opening Lead: 5

In Europe, school championships and girls’ championships run at the same time as the Junior European championships. This means talented players in their teens get a chance to meet their peers and develop faster. Over the years I have seen some of the more successful players move through the ranks, representing their countries both at junior level and later in the open events.

In Romania in 2009 the bulletins discussed a nice play produced by Turkey’s Ozge Tekin against Italy in the girls’ championships.

A spirited auction saw Tekin declaring six clubs doubled on the lead of the spade five. Italy’s Giorgia Botta won the ace and switched to the diamond king. Tekin won the ace, drew trumps, and now needed to negotiate the heart suit for four tricks to bring home her slam.

Because East had bid to four spades on her own and seemed to have diamond strength if not length also, Tekin judged her to be short in hearts. So she cashed the heart ace and finessed the nine on the second round of the suit.

She came back to hand with a trump and finessed the heart jack, making 12 tricks for a magnificent score of 1090.

Lead with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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