Hand of the day #173

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

Opening Lead: 2

When declarer is playing three no-trump with eight sure tricks plus a possibly wide-open suit, he does best to try to go after that ninth trick early. The defense, on the other hand, does best to try to count declarer’s tricks as soon as possible to prevent any stealing.

On West’s spade lead, declarer played low from dummy and gobbled up East’s queen. With eight quick tricks and a ninth coming from clubs, declarer’s main concern was the danger in hearts.

To conceal his trick count, declarer crossed to dummy with a spade, not a diamond (fearing the opponents would give each other count), and innocently led a club from dummy. If East plays low, South has stolen a ninth trick. Even if East plays the ace, he has to be clever enough to switch to the heart ace and a low heart. Can East be that clever?

Yes! East knows South has nine minor-suit cards. (Few bid this way with 4-4 in the minors). The opening lead has marked South with three spades, so no more than a singleton heart. By counting South’s sure tricks, East can posit declarer with five diamonds and three spades, so he knows that declarer is going for his ninth trick when a club is led from dummy. In other words, South is out there stealing!

If East thinks this clearly, he will rise with the club ace and play the ace and a second heart, collecting four heart tricks and a club and leaving South shaking his head.

Bid with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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