Hand of the day #135

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

Opening Lead: K

The two main forms of duplicate-bridge scoring are matchpoints (generally used in pair events) and IMPs (generally used in team events). At matchpoints, overtricks are important. At IMPs, like rubber bridge, making — or setting — the contract is vital.

That said, cover up the East-West cards and plan your play at the two different forms of scoring when West leads the heart king against three no-trump. It is clear to duck the opening lead, for at most you have 11 tricks. At trick two, West predictably continues with the heart queen. What now?

At matchpoints the chances of making 11 tricks are too great for it to be sensible to duck again. So you win the heart ace and test the diamonds, but when they do not break, you have to go one down. This is because East can win his club ace and lead a heart to his partner.

At IMP scoring, you should duck the second heart, discarding a diamond from the dummy. Now West’s best defense is to switch to a diamond (continuing hearts allows you to set up diamonds without letting West on lead). You win the ace and then play the club 10 from the dummy. You can later play another club to establish at least one club trick to bring your total up to eight. At this point you would you need either spades to break or a squeeze. Alternatively, East may rise with the club ace to play a third round of hearts, but either way all roads lead to nine tricks.

Lead with the aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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