Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #23

This conundrum was written by Eddie Kantar and was originally published in the book Kantar for the Defense - Volume 2 - you can find out all about it further down the page.

Both sides vulnerable
Dealer North

Opening Lead: J

Dummy wins, partner signals with the 9, and declarer follows with the 3. A spade is led to the ace, followed by the Q and a heart to dummy. Partner follows with the 5 and the 4 as you discard a diamond.
At trick five the ♠Q is led from dummy, declarer discarding theQ.

Do you win this trick? If so, what do you return? If not, why not?

About the book

Kantar invites his reader to direct every play towards the goal of beating the contract in a variety of hands, bringing focus on counting tricks, points and distribution. Problems range from an intermediate to semi-advanced level and knowledge of basic card combinations is assumed. Each book concludes with a complete list of themes for its 100 problems.

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