Hand of the day #50

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

This week, we will be examining some interesting deals from the Spring NABC in Louisville, Kentucky.

Opening Lead: K

Take the East cards for today’s deal, played in a Top Flight Swiss Teams. You issue a raise to four diamonds on your five-card support in case partner should want to bid on over four spades. He chooses not to at the vulnerability, then leads the diamond king. Plan the defense.

There are no further tricks to come from diamonds, so you should look to clubs. However, declarer might be about to set up dummy’s hearts for discards. In that case, you had better attack clubs now, but the lead should really come from your side of the table in case declarer has a tenace.

Overtake partner’s diamond king with the ace (this can hardly cost – his lead implies the queen too) and table the club 10. On the layout, this defense is necessary to establish partner’s club king to the setting trick, in addition to his heart tops. If you let the diamond king hold, partner cannot switch to clubs effectively.

Lead with the Aces

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