Test Your Bridge Skills #49

This quiz was written by Oren Lidor.

Hand 1

What will you bid as South?

Hand 2

What will you bid as South?

Hand 3

You're sitting East. Against 3NT your partner led the J. What will you play?

Hand 4

You play 6NT and West led the ♠2. You tried the ♠Q. East took with the ♠A and then switched to the ♣10. You won the trick with the ♣Q. Now what is your next move?

About the Author

Oren Lidor is considered one of the best bridge teachers in Israel, is the author of 5 bridge books, and teaches bridge to people from all over the world on BBO.

15 comments on “Test Your Bridge Skills #49”

  1. Bridge is about counting you say. Well on the last hand I count 14 spades as there seems to be two spade 3's.

  2. In the last problem, there is a danger of blockade in D - if you cash H and C... Taking that into account, what should be the right line of play.

    1. I see no blockage. If someone has one diamond, cash a big one and finesse. If someone is void, run an honour through the the other player.

  3. I made the worst answer it could be. However your explanination are some clear and menaningfull that I learned a lot. Thanks. Francis

    1. I made the worst answer it could be. However your explanination are so clear and menaningfull that I learned a lot. Thanks. Francis

        1. worthless to learn how to play brigde. Hands all screwed up, and unless you bid according to the way the guy wants you to, and play his system, which is an enigma, don't waste your time here.

          1. I can't disagree more. Whatever be the system, the thinking process is the most important. Of course, he uses 2/1, which is most popular.

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